Е. В. Глушенкова

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    Kirish, sharh qoldirish


    A guest to stop at Iping in the winter time was an unheard-of piece of luck 2 , especially a guest who paid in cash.

    gang — n шайка, банда gate — n ворота gentle — adj мягкий, добрый, нежный, ласковый; вежливый; знатный get — v (got) получать; доставать; попадать; становиться get over справиться; оправиться (после болезни) get used to smth привыкать к чему-л. giant — n великан golden — adj золотистый grateful — adj благодарный gratefully — adv с благодарностью, благодарно grief — n горе, печаль; несчастье groan — v стонать grown — adj взрослый guardian — n опекун, страж Guildhall — n ратуша (в Лондоне) H hang — v (hung, но hanged в значении вешать, казнить) вешать, подвешивать; висеть hardly — adv едва, едва ли heart — n сердце heir — n наследник heiress — n наследница hero — n герой hesitate — v колебаться, не решаться hide — v (hid, hidden) прятать(ся), скрывать(ся) Highness — n Высочество homeless — adj бездомный horror — n ужас horror-stricken — adj объятый ужасом humble — adj робкий, смиренный, почтительный humbly — adv робко, смиренно, почтительно hunger — n голод

    Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who usually got up very late in the mornings, except on those occasions when he was up all night, was sitting at the breakfast table.

    There I was struck on the shoulder 3  by a bullet, which shattered the bone

    refused to be interested. He would steal down the back stairs and return to the

    would repeat your story. I ask you not only because my friend, Dr. Watson, has not heard the beginning but also because your story makes me anxious to hear every detail. As a rule, when I have heard some story, I am able to think of the thousands of other similar cases. But not now.” The client, looking a little proud, took a newspaper from the pocket of his coat. As he glanced down the advertisement column, I took a good look at the man and tried, like my companion, to read what his dress or ap