International Migration of Population and Demographic Development

Sotuvda yo'q


Kitob haqida

The 28th volume of the series «International Migration of Population: Russia and the Contemporary World» is dedicated to one of the most important issues of demographic development, namely, the role of international migration in this development.

This edition contains articles that examine different sides to this role. It is about the theory of demographic transition, and the impact of migration on the reproduction of the population, and the role of mixed families (where one of the spouses worker), the impact of migration on demographic development, etc.

The authors are responsible for the reliability of data and other materials used. The series is both of scientific and educational character and can be accordingly used in teaching process.

Please refer for electronic version of the present and previous volumes at the Department of Population (Faculty of Economics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University) website in the «Library» Section.

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Kitob Сборника статей «International Migration of Population and Demographic Development» - pdf-ga yuklab oling yoki internetda o'qing. Sharhlar va fikr-mulohazalarni qoldiring, o'zingiz yoqtirganlarga ovoz bering.
Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
30 iyun 2016
Yozilgan sana:
108 Sahifa
Umumiy o'lcham:
21 МБ
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