Kitobdan sitatalar «Власть привычки. Почему мы живем и работаем именно так, а не иначе»

Destructive organizational habits can be found within hundreds of industries and at thousands of firms. And almost always, they are the products of thoughtlessness, of leaders who avoid thinking about the culture and so let it develop without guidance. There are no organizations without institutional habits. There are only places where they are deliberately designed, and places where they are created without forethought, so they often grow from rivalries or fear.It may seem like most organizations make rational choices based on deliberate decision making, but that’s not really how companies operate at all. Instead, firms are guided by long-held organizational habits, patterns that often emerge from thousands of employees’ independent decisions. And these habits have more profound impacts than anyone previously understood.
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Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
23 aprel 2017
Tarjima qilingan sana:
Yozilgan sana:
466 Sahifa 45 illyustratsiayalar
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