Основной контент книги How Companies Get Creativity Right (and Wrong)

Chiqarish muddati 30 daqiqa

2018 yil


How Companies Get Creativity Right (and Wrong)

hbr ideacast

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Beth Comstock, the first female vice chair at General Electric, thinks companies large and small often approach innovation the wrong way. They either try to throw money at the problem before it has a clear market, misallocate resources, or don't get buy in from senior leaders to enact real change. Comstock spent many years at GE - under both Jack Welsh's and Jeffrey Immelt's leadership - before leaving the company late last year. She's the author of the book "Imagine It Forward: Courage, Creativity, and the Power of Change.”

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23 aprel 2021
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23 aprel 2021
Yozilgan sana:
18 sentyabr 2018
30 daqiqa 16 sek.
HBR Russia
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