Основной контент книги What's next for India's edtech sector?

Chiqarish muddati 18 daqiqa

2023 yil


What's next for India's edtech sector?

Forbes India

Podkast haqida

The windfall of the Covid-19 crisis happened in the backyard of edtech companies in India. The startup ecosystem saw many edtech companies mushroom, and some even reached unicorn status. As the world adjusts to the new normal, this edtech special issue of Forbes India looks at the canvas of the sector caught in the funding winter, course correcting to a hybrid model, and searching for what's next—for students, parents, and founders. In this podcast, Rajiv Singh takes you to the depths of the stories in this issue.

Oxirgi yangilanish:
16 mart 2024
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Kirish, kitobni baholash va sharh qoldirish
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Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
16 mart 2024
Yozilgan sana:
31 iyul 2023
18 daqiqa 10 sek.
Forbes India
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Автор, Forbes India
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