Основной контент книги The Three Goats (Beginner)

Chiqarish muddati 20 daqiqa

2023 yil


The Three Goats (Beginner)

Podkast haqida

Mit dem Code easystories erhältst du das 12-Monatsabo von Babbel zum Preis von nur 6 Monaten. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 31. Dezember 2023. Einfach auf babbel.com/audio einlösen und loslegen. Get episodes without adverts + bonus episodes at EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/Support. Your support is appreciated! Three goats live happily in a field eating grass. But one day, there's no more grass. They decide to cross a bridge to another field. But when they try to cross, a monster jumps out, and he wants to eat them! Go to EasyStoriesInEnglish.com/ThreeGoats for the full transcript. Level: Beginner. Genre: Children's. Vocabulary: Goat, Eldest, Middle child, Greedy, Flow, Silly, Drown, Narrow, One by one, Troll, Annoying. Setting: Fairytale. Word Count: 1232. Author: Fairy Tales. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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27 sentyabr 2023
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27 sentyabr 2023
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26 sentyabr 2023
20 daqiqa 32 sek.
Ariel Goodbody & Glassbox Media
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Автор, Ariel Goodbody & Glassbox Media
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