Chiqarish muddati 1 s. 37 daqiqa
2022 yil
330. Chrome DevTools, container и :has, random в CSS, CSS в npm, доки, VS Code, телефоны, SPA и MPA
Podkast haqida
ВедущиеНикита ДубкоЮля МиоценАндрей МелиховАлексей СимоненкоТемы00:00:46 Chrome DevTools00:16:12 @container и :has00:25:17 Random в CSS00:33:16 CSS в npm00:43:02 Docusaurus00:49:44 Стики VS Code00:57:51 Поля для телефона01:11:45 Отдельные transform01:16:15 SPA и MPAChrome DevToolsWhat’s New In DevTools Chrome 104BFCache, или Туда и обратно.C in 100 Seconds@container и :has@container and :has() landing in Chromium 1052D hover effect using :has()Random в CSSRandom() functionWe just resolved to pursue work on random() and random-item() for CSS!CSS в npmNpm QueryIntroducing the new npm Dependency Selector SyntaxNpm ships a new query command to inspect dependenciesDocusaurusAnnouncing Docusaurus 2.0Стики VS CodeVS Code comes with an experimental sticky modeПоля для телефонаPhone inputs and you: the designer’s essential UI guideОтдельные transformFiner grained control over CSS transforms with individual transform propertiesSPA и MPAIn Defence of the Single Page ApplicationThe balance has shifted away from SPAsSPAs: theory versus practice