Kitobni o'qish: «Сборник стихотворений Dragons», sahifa 2


It's like I'm seeing a bright bloom,

I can't touch a flower with flow.

I'm just a little butterfly

In this vast darkness universe.

But the tear froze in the eye,

I found it among the flowers.

And My loneliness was over

when I saw this delicate bud.

But love breaks like a Arcane tower.

Will we have a sad life? And fate?

Is love really only in novels,

But I dream of meeting my prince.

Why are knights only in fairy tales?

Why don't I have magic big wings?

The ice Prince lives far away from me.

I do not know how to melt his heart.

I don't have a fairy, how to meet?

And I can only lay out my cards.

I want the prince to thaw, find me.

I dream of being only with him.

But he's not here, so his horse is dead.

It's not a fairy tale I can win

Do you think I'm a fairy?

But I am a fatal witch.

But do I love you? May be…

I have heart, although I'm bitch.

I was kind, but I saw bad .

Now I don't believe in love.

But why it is my sad fate?

Will you give me hope? Enough!

I've broken a lot of hearts.

Your heart is in my hands now.

I want to give you a chance.

Show the good. I don't know how.

You and I are like the sun and the moon-

We are separated and cannot meet.

We are separated by a big door.

But I feel your rays on lips and it's sweet.

I'm on the dark side, and you're on the light .

But will the moon and the sun ever meet?

I am ready to break the laws and right.

For your sake, the moon' ll go out of orbit

You are a ray in my dark realm.

And You bring light into my sad life.

I love you, tell me how to stay calm?

I'm free, I don't want to be your wife.

I just like this feeling and thank you.

You give me your light, I'm grateful.

Tell me what you would like me to do?

Do you love me? I feel like a fool.

Sometimes I think I just made it up.

And even if we're not together.

I fell into your cunning love trap.

I can't get out just going crazy

I want to believe in love so much.

I do not know , should I believe you.

When I look at you, I want to touch.

I like you , I 'm scared of the truth.

But It seems to me or do you love.

And how do I know where the truth is?

I'm in a maze, looking for a path.

But I go and dream of your sweet kiss.

I'm afraid to be disappointed.

If you love me, Just give me your hand.

I don't want to believe in the bad.

I will find you, though the earth is great

Yes, I am the queen of Wands,

And You are my king of Cups.

When will you and I join hands.

We will take off with the winds.

Then We'll be like Yin Yang.

Fire and water will converge.

The queen only needs a king.

And We will Erase this verge

My love is bigger than the sky.

I'm drowning in you, my ocean.

You will be my space when I fly.

I see you, I feel commotion.

My heart sings only about you

And passion pulsates in my blood.

I am the flame that cools your dew.

But you could love me more, you could…

You are an alluring art to me,

You're the best masterpiece of nature.

You are classical music and painting,

Аhead of time and in the future.

I admire you as the best picture,

I dare not touch the holy canvas.

Is it admiration or love you?

You are unearthly to me, like Mars

I'm free as a wild bird.

Cages are not for me.

I won't give my accord.

After all, I'm so wild.

I broke rules and barriers.

I'm symbol of Liberty.

I'm taking off my dress.

To fly, I'm a fairy…

Magnetism emanates from me,

As if I am a dangerous snake.

My gaze can seduce or give death.

Why do you want to drown in this lake?

You look at my dance and don't see

That you are wrapped in my rings.

Scared? Yes, your heart is not free.

Now the Bird can't spread its wings.

Magnetism emanates from me,

As if I am a dangerous snake.

My gaze can seduce or give death.

Why do you want to drown in this lake?

You look at my dance and don't see

That you are wrapped in my rings.

Scared? Yes, your heart is not free.

Now the Bird can't spread its wings.

I'm an astronaut who dreams

Оf a distant snow planet.

Sorry , but I don 't have wings.

I so want to leave this land!

You are my planet, how can I fly?

I'm all alone in this darkness.

We are so far away! Why?

I'm flying to you to see face

I freely beam across the sky.

I wish to soar to the very stars.

And you're going to ask me: "why?"

Earthly life is not for my eyes.

Yes, I want to be one of them.

illuminating the cold space.

And I want to become a bright flame.

And Just carry the lights of grace

I'm dancing over a precipice,

This long hard life weighs on me, perhaps.

And I secretly wish to fall down.

my eternity says: not the time.

I walk in the dark on a thin rope.

reach the end? Is there any hope?

It's hard for me to leave you,

But it's better this way.

Maybe you think so too.

We're lonely day after day.

Can we be together?

My angel, I'm a demon.

Yes, I must be crazy.

Once ascended to heaven.

I shouldn't call you to hell.

I can't get your wings dirty.

Such love will not bring well.

I was just threw open doors

And went to paradise.

Then I came for my muse.

And I loved your eyes.

I wanted to steal you,

But just took your sad heart.

But it's not fair to you-

To Take you in hell Dante

And I don't need pity,

I don't want to hurt you,

I'll leave before it's too late.

I'll be lonely on the moon.

This is probably my fate

My prince is wandering between the stars,

I want to help him find his way to me.

My thread of love'll lead him out of this maze.

I will give him wings and he will be free.

Nothing can separate us,

Such love cannot be killed.

My strong magic will save us.

Even if the sky turns red.

Even when you're far away,

I am always there with my soul.

I love you more every day.

I won't let you be alone.

Our love should have a good ending.

We have to stay together.

We will conquer our destiny.

And We will love like crazy

You are the white day, I am the night.

We were separated by this sky.

I'm deprived of your smile of light.

I want to ask question to fate why?

I want your light to be mine alone!

And Let this world sink into darkness,

But I want to be your only one.

I'll take you and we'll go to the wild west

Every day I'm waiting for a miracle.

And I'm waiting for you to write to me.

After all, you are my inspiration.

I'm starting to regret that I agreed.

I got into the game, how do I play?

And You are in another dimension.

I'm waiting for a message every day.

And I want to ask you so much question.

But you are mysterious and distant,

And your signs are so vague and secret.

Maybe you just don't hear me in your lands?

One day for love, it may just be too late.

But when will you take a step towards me?

When'll the portal for our meeting open?

It's so easy, just text me and I'll see

I'm not waiting in vain, you're not frozen

You'll Call me a Goddess

Аnd pray in the night.

I'll dispel the darkness

For my faithful knight.

You'll call me the blue queen

And swear to love me.

And you will be my king,

And then we will dream.

If you kiss me, you will become, like me,

А sorcerer and gain power.

But it's not too late to change your mind,

I'm letting you out of the tower.

You'll regret it if you choose me.

People, friends, parents will condemn our love.

And then you'll want to leave and be free.

And then you will leave saying: enough !

But if you choose to stay with me,

We will sail across the sky like stars.

You'll be my king, I'll be your queen,

I'll give you a crown of magic glass.

And Our magic will rule the world,

Legends will write about our love.

Make this choice and say your word.

Surrender to the sensual wave

I'm not interested in your body,

I don't want earrings and necklaces.

I don't believe in perfect stories.

The whole ends with a removed dress

You don't have to promise anything.

Say'll, I'm the devil, I want your soul.

It's enough for me if you just sing.

I want something more than these dolls.

Maybe I want to possess your heart,

Treat me differently than others.

If you don't want to lose at the start.

I'm special, Give me something worthy

I don't need your money,

And I don't need your vows!

My life is not sunny,

I don't believe the words.

Nothing lasts forever,

I don't believe in promisе.

And never say never,

love will blow away the breeze.

I want to be with you now.

I need your actions.

And don't ask me how?

I just want fairy tales.

Let's forget about this world and

Just give ourselves up to passion.

I'll follow you, Give me your hand.

Maybe you're my main mission.

And the world is constantly in

Danger and I'm tired of saving.

These victories mean nothing.

It's important that you be mine.

Yeah, let's just drop our clothes.

Let our lips merge in a hot kiss.

We'll go into space as wanders .

Just touch my skin, you're my fresh breeze

I'm a cute little kitty.

But I'm too tough for you!

Do not seek my strong pity,

I'm like a stone, the truth.

Never believe your eyes,

I'm a wolf in cat mask.

I've ruined a lot of guys.

I'm a difficult task.

I am a scare predator,

Аnd you are my victim.

I'll give you hard hardcore.

This is my game . You can't win.

Run before it's too late.

You will meet my wolf form.

I'll score in you at the gate.

Yes, I am Adetta swan