Kitobni o'qish: «Learn to be happy! Confidence and Success», sahifa 5


Remember: fear, anxiety, and worry are about the future, and worry and anxiety are about the past, and all of this is happening in the present, in the present moment, in your brain.

Let go of the thoughts that everything went wrong in your life, if you feel a lot of anxiety about the past, stop worrying, just like you let go of them when you learned to swim without extra equipment, it’s time to overcome the anxiety of the past and stop worrying. If you’ve ever learned to swim, don’t forget that you almost got into the water first. You made a lot of effort, it didn’t work, and then suddenly you were amazed at yourself, a bright light appeared inside you, you swam the first meters. Especially when kids say «I got it!» he shouts. «I can swim!» It’s not just about learning to swim, it’s about cycling, motorcycling, etc. thousands of examples can be given. You know, in this life, you have to learn everything, nothing will be subject to you without learning. That is why you need to learn and develop psycho-emotional relaxation techniques. «I get it,» you say – «I can swim in the sea of life without stress.» When you worry about yourself or others, you are drowning in the water of life. But if you can relieve anxiety, if you can live even one day without anxiety, then this is the beginning of your training. You will learn to swim carefree in the sea of life and you will see that your life is much better.


Are you flattered? Most of us like to reward our friends with compliments, but there is a fine line between flattery and genuine compliments. Saying sincerely good things about other people is a good habit that can completely improve our lives. But as always, for example, in the case of money, along with truth and honesty, lie and dishonesty appear, and flattery in our subject is a false, false form of praise, compliment.

There are many degrees of flattery, and there are many motives for flattery. sometimes it is nothing more than self-deception, like a student who hopes that a few praises and compliments to the teacher will replace hard work and honest study, it is not about pocketing money or buying a diploma. the easiest and easiest way is flattery. sometimes we find ourselves in an atmosphere of false flattery, where everyone competes with each other with false praise, there is no sincerity, no criticism, only flattery. flattering someone in the hope of kindness, flattering someone in the hope that it will benefit or help them in the future is a very difficult and unworthy work, much more difficult work than sincere, sincere praise, sincere compliments.

You see, people who want to be praised work for recognition and wait for flatterers, and flatterers don’t work, they only do flattery, but it’s the hardest part of the job… and dirty.

Basically, the desire to be praised or complimented is very much like a drug: you begin to expect compliments from others, many of whom are flatterers and flatterers, and you find the process of bragging fun, and eventually you find it hard to stop. Of course, there are those who give sincere, heartfelt compliments, but for your brain, this is just an internal, empty feeling. Increasing the dose of pride leads to a decrease in the positive effect, and the overall result of such a life turns out to be completely negative.

Back to flattery, they are people who live by flattery and not by their own merits, they are in a dangerous situation. Such people should understand that while there is still time, the time and energy spent on it should be directed to achieving a worthy, noble goal, and they should choose an honest path, so that such people will achieve what they want faster and more safely. The most dangerous flattery is the flattery used with the purpose of confusing someone.

Pride weakens a person’s courage and ability to make decisions, it makes him dishonorable in order to make himself dignified. He considers it reasonable and suitable work for him. The more he does it, the more he enjoys it, and as a result, he forces himself to violate the principles of truth.

This is also mentioned in the Psalms, where it says: «Their tongues are proud, and their hearts are hypocrites.» With such pride and hypocrisy, we cannot achieve constructive living (creation of a creative lifestyle) and correct thinking. Arrogants are never to be trusted. There is no friendship with pride, because it is too much self-love, which creates spiritual relationship problems for a person. True gratitude to others lies in the abyss. As you walk through life, seek only the good. discern what is truly good, and praise only those who are worthy of praise, but do not try to buy peace of mind, social status, or financial well-being through flattery. it is fake money or fame and over time it will take over your life.


I’m sure you remember the tragic story of the Titanic, but did you know that the story of the California is closely related to the first story?

In 1912, the «Titanic» ship (liner) left the coast of Great Britain for a cruise across the Atlantic Ocean. Titanic was the largest ship built at that time. at that time, everyone was sure that it would not sink at all, but in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the ship ran into an underwater iceberg and quickly sank. 1517 of 2000 passengers died. Of course, this tragic event caused a great protest. detailed investigations were carried out and the causes of the incident were determined: the speed of the ship was too high, the number of lifeboats was insufficient and they were poorly equipped, but most importantly – there was no information about icebergs. After this incident, the International Iceberg Patrol was established and strict regulations were introduced. Another fact was revealed during this research, which not many people know about.

When the Titanic was sinking, another ship, the California, was only thirty kilometers away! Of course, no movie was made about him, but that’s not the problem. At that time, radio communication was not so efficient and there were few radio operators. That evening, the only radio operator of «California» turned off the walkie-talkie at half past ten and went to sleep. An hour later, a desperate plea for help came from the Titanic, but the California radio was off. In fact, the reason for the sinking of the «Titanic» was that the «California» did not come to the aid of another ship, not knowing what was going on, even though it was an hour away from it. For me, the main tragedy of «Titanic» is that help was possible, but the ship that could help did not know about it! this is a great lesson for all of us. As you sail the seas of life, someone else’s ship may hit an iceberg and may be calling for help. but the saddest thing is that people don’t cry «sos» or «i need help», i’m not talking about begging, i’m talking about mental help. for example, maybe you will save a person from going to hell, that is, I am talking about spiritual help and unity. many people need help, many people need advice, many people need support, in fact, many people need primarily non-material moral help, because the first one is just a consequence. Many people need direction, many people need guidance, but many people need nothing but money, and what about guidance, isn’t that help? but some people say «I am on the right path, I pray five times a day, I fast… I don’t need help.» we all need help, whether we are the most pious or the most educated person in the world. getting help, giving help, this is the only way to unite humanity.

Many people react to spiritual help with anger, detachment, sarcasm, or otherwise. take the time to listen to other people’s sos. which means «save my soul» in English. Try not to say, «I can’t help you.» listen to the desperate pleas: «Please love me. I am suffering and alone.» Don’t say «I don’t have time, I have work to do», the work will not run away, and the reward for the help may run away. However, such calls for help can be heard any day, so don’t miss the opportunity. I mean, don’t be a California ship, don’t fall asleep. Find out how many Titanics are sinking around you and you can call «SOS» and come to the rescue. Such a wonderful quality should be written in your destiny.


Have you ever wondered how many people create empty fantasies in their minds and then live in constant fear. In their minds, wonderful fantasies are depicted: the fantasy of «fun moment», the fantasy of the so-called «personal happiness». In this fantasy world they live their lives, they are never satisfied with the fantasy world. There is a fantasy of a happy life where people do amazing things, do great work, avoid stupid mistakes, and feel like they’ve achieved something truly worthwhile. They also have fantasies about meeting others, they see themselves as a nice person surrounded by many friends, they feel that they are needed by society.

In these fantasies, they see themselves as they are, imagine as much as they want, and really feel free. this is a fantasy world where you can achieve any goal. but when they leave the fantasy world… and move into the everyday world of real life, then they become depressed and they say that it is «impossible» to create true happiness. and others say that life is a wonderful gift and that it is «full of possibilities.» How can you be sad in life given the ability to understand and love. these people have marble, granite, and shiny oak trees out of which to build a wonderful world of life, and some people have only wood chips and mud out of which to build a shack.

But this is not true. we are never pushed by life into trifles. we are constantly pushed by life

To seek great prospects from the little things, and if we open our eyes, we see what we see: there is everything but the determination to create a happy life. It is necessary to admit that the images of our imagination can be created in reality, can be transformed into our daily life, but there is no need to waste especially unpleasant, negative, negative time on empty imagination.


How old do you think we are? I mean all of humanity. Do you think humanity is at the beginning or the end of its development? Do you think that humanity has reached its aging phase? Maybe our first life is preparing for the apocalypse?

My prediction (where we are short of Nostradamus and Vanga) … don’t think I’m a fortuneteller, but if it’s true, you’ll be checking it out in the future. A maximum of 7 centuries before the apocalypse, which is too much in my opinion, I think there are 2—3 centuries left. I estimate this in 2021. I am doing. That is, the maximum planet Earth, nature, humanity in the 28th century. can only live up to, this is a prediction of the mind, not a psychic prediction.

And now, I am sure that humanity is just passing from childhood to adulthood. Today’s humanity, according to the chronology of Islam, is a thirteen-fourteen-year-old child. Humanity is now finishing the period of digitization, automation and preparing to move to the period of robotization and modification, of course, if people can accept this and adapt to it.

Scientists have found that man has been living on earth for at least a million years. but I think humans appeared much earlier. it has built civilizations for tens of thousands of years. most of these civilizations are now forgotten, their remains buried at the bottom of oceans, in the sands of deserts, under mountain ranges, or in great mounds. However, despite all the previous civilizations that preceded us, humanity is now only experiencing its transition period (transitional age).

I am sure that great achievements of mankind in science and technology are still ahead. because we have not yet invented self-driving, flying machines, our houses have not moved from the earth to the air. Of course I have gone too far, but the greatest days of mankind are yet to come.

All the truly great achievements of mankind have not yet appeared in the world. The music of the future surpasses the works of the great composers of today or the past. surpasses Mozart, Bach and Beethoven because they too once surpassed their predecessors.

The literature of the future will produce such masterpieces that the works of Shakespeare, Milton, and other great poets will be children’s fairy tales compared to it.

Ancient Greek culture is unmatched to this day, and new waves of spiritual striving will knock this culture off its pedestal, which will surely happen in the future. the greatest achievements of modern engineering – bridges, dams, airplanes, electronics, and nuclear power – will be like children’s toys compared to the technology of the future.

But the most important thing is that man’s understanding of his spiritual essence and his spiritual world will grow to fantastic proportions. The religious sages of the past appear pygmy (poor) compared to the spiritual leaders of the future. I send God’s greetings to Shamil Myrza.

Perhaps humanity’s greatest achievement is the discovery of great sources of energy, untapped sources of courage and wisdom. Conquer the sky, planets, galaxies.

So don’t worry about the future of humanity. Then look to your future, because the best is yet to come.


Do you respond to the situation with a negative reaction or a positive response? let me explain what i mean. I was thinking and thinking deeply and writing this book when suddenly my smartphone rang. the first reaction was: «Oh, I forgot my last thought.» «Don’t people understand that they shouldn’t disturb me while I’m working?» If I wasn’t angry, I would pick up the phone and at least answer. In this case, the reaction is anger. I reacted to the phone call but did not answer. But after my anger dissipated, I immediately noticed that he called me again and it was a very kind and polite person who could help me. He is my best friend! I really enjoyed our conversation then. The conversation warmed my soul, and I returned to work with great inspiration.

Why did I react the way I did to the phone call? The caller responded to my exasperated greeting with a kind word, and it encouraged me to be kind, not to provoke a negative reaction. Do you feel the difference, do you understand the contagious effect of negativity and favoritism on our lives?

Stepping into a new day, you meet other people, answer phone calls or doorbells.

When you rush out of the house, a seller stands at the door offering his goods, if you rush into work, someone will enter your office, while you are doing household chores, someone will invite you to tea. Remember one thing: no one enters your life without a purpose! Everyone comes to give you something! If you limit yourself to a negative reaction in these situations, you risk losing the meritorious action. You are the only one who will lose from this. If you respond with love and warmth to everyone who comes to you, then you can expect them to respond to you with kindness and receive your share of love and warmth – this is a reward, a great opportunity for everyone.

Don’t slam the door on good deeds that come into your daily life. Answer each person’s call as their path crosses your path, knowing that it will bring you reward. Respond with love, this is called Ikhlas, and the reward is multiplied by the reward. This day will be joyful for you, not painful, if you learn to understand the difference between reaction and intention.


What would you do if you were treated unfairly? if cheated? has someone treated you unfairly? do you try to maintain friendships with people because of this? Can you find the strength to forgive and forget? Can you get over the bitterness? say to yourself: «Okay, I like friendship, no matter what, I don’t want to hate someone because of injustice and I don’t want to get a stomach ulcer (ulcer) because of my resentment and anger.» «But if I forgive and forget everything, then what does that mean?» I can be fair!»

Do you feel this feeling? Does it sound like your life? Do you know how to solve the problem of injustice? The only way to solve this problem is to hold onto your resentment for it and not let it go, does it protect against injustice? If you think about it, of course not. Such a «revenge complex» is more harmful to you than to the person who has wronged you. And such a complex does not really solve anything.

If you think a little about justice, then I think you will understand that true justice is based on the «Law of Love». The more we are attuned to the law of love, the more likely we are to live righteously. When we know that we can cleanse our hearts of resentment, we become more true to ourselves, and we feel closer to goodness. The more we focus on love, the more we forgive, the stronger our inner sense of freedom and agency.

By harboring hatred, grudges, grudges and grudges, by refusing to forgive, we misdirect our internal energy and external time, we lose much of our productivity and peace of mind, because of the injustice done to us. Suppose you measure it in monetary terms and say: «This is unfair, it costs a million, but because of my hatred and resentment, I will get a stomach ulcer, and I spent ten million to treat this disease.» In which case did you win a lot of money and agree with the result?

Not financially viable, right? If you can stand up to injustice, you will find that your gains will outweigh your losses. Think about it! If you can really get out of injustice and you find the will to say: «I have forgiven and forgotten everything, it’s just water under the bridge» – you will gain more than the loss due to injustice and write a new book of life without resentment and only with love.


When we were kids, we used to play a game called «shadow jumping» with our friends – a game in which each person had to try to jump from the shadow of the next person. we used to notice our shadows very well in those days. and when was the last time you looked at your shadow?

When you sit down to read or write, you can notice it unconsciously (involuntarily): you see that you are in the wrong position, because the effect of your head casts a shadow, covering the incoming light. You either move the chair or move the table lamp so that the shadow doesn’t fall on the book. Often we ignore our shadow altogether. However, in life, we often notice the shadow side of it, but we don’t notice the light that shines above it.

If you look at your shadow right now, then you will see, the only way to see it is to turn your back to the light. Look into the shadow right now and you will see that you are turning your back on the source of light.

That’s how you live. You notice the dark side of your life, or you look for situations that you consider dark: it can be health problems, financial problems, family divorces. You only notice them when you turn to the source of light in your life. The light of the «Universal Mind» (Creator) moves around you and reaches your heart. Through your body, through your life and daily activities – the light that guides you to health, happiness and purity of thought. If you turn your back on this light, you will see only the shadow of your life.

You think about it. Look at the dark side of your life and ask yourself, «Is this all because I can’t see the good in my life?» that. It’s easy to identify with the hardships of life, but how much thought and time do we spend on the beauty of our lives? But shadows are visible only in light. If you were lit from all sides, you wouldn’t notice any shadows.

Only our refusal to turn to the light makes us waste time thinking about the shadows. Turn to the good (the light) in your life with respect and gratitude, and the shadow will not rule over you.


Do you know how to communicate with people? I don’t mean if you can get on the podium and speak to a large audience. I am asking for your normal daily routine. let me answer for you. Of course you can speak and communicate. Everything you say affects your listeners. What impression do you make on others when you speak? If you have a sense of humor, people will probably laugh. if you are an angry person, you can instill fear and resentment in others. if you are kind and well-intentioned, maybe other people will feel warmth in their souls after talking to you. If you complain all the time, you may be helping other people to make judgments about you.

Every word you say affects the listener. I’m sure you believe that. you think about all the people you interact with, and you have to agree that words have an effect, no matter how small or large the effect of your words. I want to expand on this idea: there is only one person who will hear everything you say, and that person is you! Others hear only part of what you say, but you hear every word you say. Therefore, no matter how you affect others, it will only be a part of the effect, the whole effect, from what you say, will be received by yourself. Think about it: the power of your words and their impact on your life is immense.

If you want to be successful, don’t make cheap promises. Otherwise, people listening to you will sooner or later feel deceived, and your words and false promises will have a negative effect on you. If you don’t feel well, don’t bother others by constantly talking about your health. Everyone you talk to will feel a small part of the shock, but your body will get a full shock from what you say. We have already agreed that our words affect people, so if you want to, you can improve someone’s life with a kind word. If you speak from the heart, you will surely improve your life because you will take everything you say. In this way, you will make your life much more useful than the lives of your listeners. Whether you say it to your children, coworkers, or guests at your house, you affect everyone, but you also get a share of every word you say. can you see a greater truth than this? influencing others with your help, with your words, will change you too. Do you understand that the way you treat others is how you are treated? As you shape your life, you influence your life with the power of words, so remember to listen to every word you say. because every internal word is a thought. and the external word is language.


Centuries ago, people used dueling contests to resolve the issue of honor, and dueling scars (scars) on a man’s face increased his attractiveness in the eyes of women. if he had many scars on his face, he was considered beautiful. The great statesman of the 19th century, Bismarck, was an outstanding duelist: he could solve any problem with a duel. Once he was very angry because the scientist, professor Vikhrov insulted him. Bismarck was furious and challenged the professor to a duel. The eminent scientist was a little surprised by this, because even if scientists were duelists, they were usually not in the military sense. But after Bismarck called Vikhrov, the professor had only to choose a weapon. The gray morning of the appointed day came, and the duelists arrived in two crews (chariots), their seconds (companions of the duelist) and doctors to the place of the duel. They got off the carriage and met in the middle of the dueling arena. Bismarck: «The choice of weapon was your choice, sir. What did you choose?» he asked. Professor Vikhrov produced two delicious juicy sausages, and explained to Bismarck that, being a scientist, he chose these sausages as weapons. The first sausage is filled with deadly germs, the second is edible. The professor turned to Bismarck and said, «Choose your weapon, and we’ll have breakfast together.» Bismarck looked at the two sausages, realized that one of them meant a painful death, turned in anger and left the duel field with a red face, admitting defeat. I always laugh when I think about it. Duel with sausages! The duel was resolved not by violence, but by offering a choice between life and death.

On this day, you will also be invited to a duel. Today you will fight a thousand times, most of them with yourself. Today you will have many choices – what to say, what to answer, how to act, and in front of you there will be two sausages: poisonous and harmless. Your thoughts can be negative and toxic, leading you slowly into the mire of disease, loneliness and poverty, or they can be kind, positive, uplifting, and lead you to eternal life, love and happiness.

Whenever you are faced with a choice, what to do today and what to say etc. – remember Professor Vikhrov and think about those two sausages. Choose good, choose good thoughts, let go of jealousy, anger, rejection, doubt, fear and guilt. Think of a happy life, love and happiness. Speak words of love, cheerful life and happiness – and all this will fill your day and life.


Have you ever wanted to get away from it all? Did you want to give it all up? Have you ever dreamed of an isolated island of bliss in a distant ocean? Or have you dreamed of a mountain cave where you can hide from all the troubles of everyday life? I think we all want it (island of happiness). Conflicting desires seem to eat away at us all the time. On the one hand, we want to be in the center of success and achievements, and on the other hand, we want to retreat to peace and solitude. Maybe it’s because we’ve lost our inner sense of balance? Or have we turned against the river of life that flows with us? You know, our arrogance and the need to get the job done at all costs takes a toll on our minds and health until we feel the need to rest and heal. Periodically, we need to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Have you ever seen an old pendulum clock? The pendulum swings back and forth, the same distance in each direction. This is necessary for it to perform the task well and it is the balance that we need in our lives. We push ourselves too hard, not giving the mind and body time to rest and recover. We need time to «recharge» mentally, spiritually and physically. We need a state of balance that evolves with our inner being. A few minutes of solitude and peace of mind with ourselves, with our true selves, restores our strength and will.

You don’t need to go to America to get an education or buy a house in Turkey to achieve a happy life. I believe that if you cannot achieve peace and harmony (balance) within yourself, then you will be unhappy wherever you are.

Due to our busy daily life, we think that we don’t have time to relax and take care of ourselves, but if we want to be like successful, happy and successful people, we need to find time. you know, we are not completely self-sufficient creatures. so we are always dependent on the creator. with an «infinite power» and patience that is absolutely superior to us, we can learn to keep our minds open – so that our everyday souls are freed from stress and enter into inner peace. It doesn’t require much effort or time from you. we just need to come to our senses, solve the conflict between the soul and the body, and achieve balance and peace. because the passions of the soul (say/do not) and the passions of the body (eating, sleeping) are always fighting for power inside you. even today you can find a mountain cave to hide in or an island of false happiness.

Remember: the true happiness you need is within you. And the key to it is maintaining the balance of self (soul + body).


What do you do when you take the food you want to eat out of the fridge, reheat it, and suddenly someone invites you to lunch somewhere else? You’re unlikely to go back and put food in the fridge again, you’ll skip lunch and eat the food from the fridge because you’ve reheated it and don’t want to waste it. I think we should keep these things in mind even when we think about our own lives.

Mark Twain made this point very clearly and succinctly with a little humor, which he himself liked to talk about. A man came to his house twice a day, offering fish, but Mark Twain refused: «No thanks, I don’t need fish.» After a while it occurred to him that «this man’s perseverance deserves a reward» and he said to his wife, «I will buy fish from him.» He eventually does. When the fish was ready for lunch, it turned out to be completely inedible. The next day, Mark Twain, who saw the merchant, called him and said: «Listen, this fish turned out to be inedible, it was spoiled.» «Sir, I am not guilty,» the merchant simply replied. «I’ve come to you every day this week and offered you fish twice a day, and if you delay it will of course spoil, you should have bought it before it spoils, it’s your fault.»

Think about it. there is only «today» and «now» in front of you: there is an eternity called «all day», which is taken out of the refrigerator, heated and ready for your use, just do not waste it and do not let it spoil. You can’t live this day tomorrow or the next day, you can only live it today.

What day are you going to live with? Are you longing for a happier time that never happens? Do you wait until the fish spoils? Are you having a bad day, or are you saying, «Today is a priceless gift from God»? I will buy fish today. I live this day to the fullest as possible. No one has the right to refuse such a gift. It should be received with a warm heart, open mind and gratitude.

This day, this very day, is the most precious gift of your life and don’t let it be ruined. Don’t fill it with feelings of apathy, defeat, and loneliness, but rather awaken your enthusiasm. Accept the idea that this day will be filled with success, happiness, love and joy. All this can happen only in «today» and «now». Don’t let today go to waste: go out into the real world and seek and find success, happiness, love and joy today. It all has to start today. Because you can’t live today tomorrow and this opportunity will never come again.


Have you ever tried to build something? I believe that each of us builds something every day in our lives. During our waking hours, we are constantly engaged in constructing our minds. We build a structure of behavior, actions and reactions. We don’t try to see or hear the building we are building, so most of us probably don’t even notice it.