Kitobdan sitatalar «Гордость и предубеждение / Pride and Prejudice»

,” replied he; “But at present, however, I consider myself as quite fixed here. 26 ” “That is exactly what I should have supposed of you,” said Elizabeth. “You begin to comprehend me, do you?” cried he. “Oh! yes – I understand you perfectly.” “Lizzy,” cried her mother, “remember where you are, and do not continue in the wild manner that you use at home.” “I did not know before,” continued Bingley
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Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
19 may 2017
173 Sahifa 6 illyustratsiayalar
Mualliflik huquqi egasi:
Издательство АСТ
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