Kitobni o'qish: «A Child's Primer Of Natural History»


A Seal

SEE, chil-dren, the Fur-bear-ing Seal;
Ob-serve his mis-di-rect-ed zeal:
He dines with most ab-ste-mi-ous care
On Fish, Ice Water and Fresh Air
A-void-ing cond-i-ments or spice,
For fear his fur should not be nice
And fine and smooth and soft and meet
For Broad-way or for Re-gent Street
And yet some-how I of-ten feel
(Though for the kind Fur-bear-ing Seal
I har-bor a Re-spect Pro-found)

The Giraffe

SEE the Gi-raffe; he is so tall
There is not room to get him all
U-pon the page. His head is high-er —
The pic-ture proves it – than the Spire.
That's why the na-tives, when they race
To catch him, call it stee-ple-chase.
His chief de-light it is to set
A good example: shine or wet
He rises ere the break of day,
And starts his break-fast right away.
His food has such a way to go, —
His throat's so very long, – and so
An early break-fast he must munch
To get it down ere time for lunch.

The Yak

THIS is the Yak, so neg-li-gée:
His coif-fure's like a stack of hay;
He lives so far from Any-where,
I fear the Yak neg-lects his hair,
And thinks, since there is none to see,
What mat-ter how un-kempt he be.
How would he feel if he but knew
That in this Pic-ture-book I drew
His Phys-i-og-no-my un-shorn,
For chil-dren to de-ride and scorn?
Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
09 mart 2017
6 Sahifa 1 tasvir
Mualliflik huquqi egasi:
Public Domain
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O'rtacha reyting 4,2, 534 ta baholash asosida
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O'rtacha reyting 4,7, 327 ta baholash asosida
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O'rtacha reyting 4,3, 584 ta baholash asosida
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O'rtacha reyting 0, 0 ta baholash asosida