A tour, performed in the years 1795-6 through the Taurida

Hajm 471 sahifa

1802 yil


A tour, performed in the years 1795-6 through the Taurida

Kitob haqida

Полный вариант заголовка: «A tour, performed in the years 1795-6 through the Taurida, or Crimea, the antient kingdom of Bosphorus, the once-powerful republic of Tauric Cherson, and all the other countries on the North shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the peace of Kainardgi and Jassy : the whole illustrated by a map of the tour along the Buxine coast, from the Dniester to the Cuban; with engravings of a Great number of ancient coins, medals, monuments, inscriptions, and other curious objects / by Mrs. Maria Guthrie ; described in a series of letters to her husband, the editor Matthew Guthrie».

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