Faqat Litresda o'qing

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Kitobdan sitatalar «Mr. Dide, His Vacation in Colorado»

Lewis B. France Mr. Dide, His Vacation in Colorado CHAPTER I. A COLD SLOT The upper end of the mercury is anchored, say in the vicinity of twenty degrees below zero, and there are two feet of snow on the ground. I have to travel a hundred miles or more from Denver; one mile on foot, the others by rail. As I make my way down street early in the morning, with the rising sun turning the white peaks into rose-color, I feel disposed to halt and watch the changes. But I am denied the privilege of even walking slowly; I must wipe the tears from my eyes and hurry. The few people I meet seem cheery, and they steam along, reminding me of the cigarette smokers; the men wear icicles for beards, and one woman has a luminous nose, and I think is aware of it, for she holds her handkerchief to her face as she passes by. No one says good-morning – we have become too metropolitan for such courtesies – but every one expresses by a glance, Cold! aint it? and steams on.
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Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
27 sentyabr 2017
110 Sahifa 1 tasvir
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