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Izoh qoldiring

Kirish, sharh qoldirish


All these were blotted out by a grotesque and terrible nightmare brood – frowsy, shuffling creatures from the pavements of Whitechapel, ginbloated hags of the stews, and all the vast hell’s following of harpies, vile-mouthed and filthy, that under the guise of monstrous female form prey upon sailors, the scrapings of the ports, the scum and slime of the human pit.

ourn,” said the second man. His voice was utterly and drearily expressionless. He spoke without enthusiasm; and the first man, limping into the milky stream that foamed over the rocks, vouchsafed

Все его прежние нравственные понятия рушились, в беспощадно жестокой борьбе за существование они были только лишней обузой.

The one opened the door with a latch-key and went in, followed by a young fellow who awkwardly removed his cap. He wore rough clothes that smacked of the sea, and he was manifestly out of place in the spacious hall in which he found himself

Limited minds can recognize limitations only in others.

“This out of all will remain — They have lived and have tossed: So much of the game will be gain, Though the gold of the dice has been lost.”

When I was a youngster I was looked upon as a weird sort of creature, because, forsooth, I was a socialist.