Kitobni o'qish: «Introduction to knowledge about Nostradamus»





While still quite a boy, I became interested in the "Prophecies" by Michel Nostradamus. The name of this talented person was well known to many in those years, many secrets were hidden behind him. And since youth and the thirst for knowledge are inseparable concepts, it goes without saying that my desire to comprehend the incomprehensible in those years was very great.

The vague lines of the creation of the greatest prophet of all time excited the young consciousness, but there was no sense from this. I had too little useful information at that time, lacked knowledge and experience.

However, this did not prevent me from re-reading both the Prophecies themselves many times, and hunting in bookstores and libraries for works by various authors on this topic. Soon I even had a small personal library, collected from books about Nostradamus and his creations.

Now I will say that there was not much that was useful in those books: historical information on the era in which Nostradamus lived, and a description of his biographical data. That, perhaps, is all. The rest, for the most part, was of little value.

Years passed, and already this library of mine began to be covered with a layer of dust. I have other worries, hobbies and interests. Fortunately, at least she did not go to waste paper.

And so, a few years ago, I decided to wipe the dust from these books. It was then that I remembered the passion of my youth. He took out the “Prophecy” from the shelf and began flipping through the pages of the text again. The further I leafed through, the more I remembered everything, and the understanding came that the time was already different, not like in the years of youth. His Majesty the Internet could now fill many gaps in my knowledge on this topic.

In general, a spark appeared in my eyes again, and I completely immersed myself in that mysterious world that the prophet from the sixteenth century created.

The whole study really took place already on a completely different level. I saw the original works of Nostradamus, had the opportunity to draw my own conclusions about them, got acquainted with the works of many researchers of his talent, some of which were very eminent. Yes, by that time I had already begun to develop my own understanding of the texts of the Prophecies, and at some point I could well have written some small book on this topic myself. Perhaps not too ordinary, since some ideas of the relationship of quatrains-prophecies with real events of history were quite original and even interesting, in my opinion. But…

… Just one single evening at that time completely turned everything on its head in my understanding of the secret writing of Michel Nostradamus. His book was then opened to the pages with quatrain number fifteen of the first century:


Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique , Mars leads us with military force,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre : Seventy times blood will be shed:

Auge & ruyne de l ' Ecclesiastique , Apogee and destruction of the Ecclesiastical,

Et plus ceux qui deux rien voudront entendre . And more than those who wish nothing from them


I remember very well the course of my reasoning at that time: “Well, what historical event from the past, present or future can fit the one described in this quatrain? Of course, there have been many bloodsheds, there are and, no matter how bitter it is to assume, there will be more in the history of mankind. But… why seventy? What date do you start counting from? Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain. Well, a problem. Here are seventy – and the point, no more, no less you had to count the bloodshed.

Feeling that nothing was working out with this quatrain, the dead end was complete, out of desperation, I started counting all the “blood” – the words “ sang ” in the texts of the Prophecies. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

… "Sang" in the "Prophecies" edition of 1557 turned out to be exactly seventy !!!

It was a breakthrough! It was my first little sensation! My true comprehension of the secrets of the most outstanding prophet of all time, Michel Nostradamus, was launched. His works, written in the sixteenth century, spoke in a completely different language, which is becoming more and more understandable to me.

In "Introduction to Nostradamus Studies" I describe quite a lot of what I have discovered. An inquisitive reader, whom I ideally see as already familiar with some of the works of other authors related to Nostradamus, that is, quite prepared, will for the first time see and what constitutes the final date of the prophecies indicated by Michel N. himself – the year 3797, and the already sensational in due time the theme of 1999 will be seen in a completely different light. Yes, I have a lot of secrets. My conclusions are completely transparent, logical and easily verifiable. They are based only on the facts from the texts, on the "verbs of the Divine", on the "ranks" of all the words from them.

The number of sensations in my book is already quite significant, but the real number is many times greater.

It is difficult to briefly describe the content of "Introduction to Nostradamus Studies". Everything must be read by yourself from beginning to end. Here, I think, it would be better to post excerpts from the chat correspondence with one of my first readers – with my eldest son immediately after reading the book, he is 27 years old:

… – I've read it. I liked it, it's very strong.

– Realizing that in half a millennium no one has done it.

“Sometimes I couldn’t believe that everything would fit together…

– From the point of view of research, it's very cool.

– All sorts of eminent scientists, experts, the maximum that they could – to shoot revelations for predictions …

– The question is, did you use any software other than Word?

– He would have calculated the ranks more conveniently …

– Words were counted by another program.

– By the way, it explodes the brain that he (Nostradamus) didn’t have the Word, didn’t even have a calculator.

– Even copying a sheet of what was written was a problem …

– Are you sure that there, in the centuries, there was nowhere the phrase: “If you guess it, don’t tell anyone”?

– Quatrain 6-100, quatrain is not a quatrain.

– Quatrain – a spell?

– Yes.

– An interesting man was, with humor.

– Quatrain 10-99 – a cannon!

– Another very cool moment was with the years of the advent of biblical personalities.

Is there enough evidence in the book?

– Everything is capacious, strictly and not tightened.

– Evidence is sometimes more than necessary.

– My favorite moments in the book ended with the phrase "no comments needed."

– The roof was blown off.

“It’s just that a lot of things didn’t make it into the book.

– I willingly believe.

– At some point I realized that this was a study

turns into infinity. Pressed the button

"stop". Pause.

I don't think your work is over. It is necessary to rest, to return from the centurian world.

– To return with new forces and thoughts.

– Thank you for entrusting the right of first reading …

Damir Khamatulin






Damir Khamatulin. Introduction to Nostradamus. 2021 _

All rights reserved . Al rights reserved.

Magnitogorsk. 2021


Start. Page 8

Short biography. 9

Phenomenon – Nostradamus. 10

Introduction to Nostradamus. eleven

Pause. 445

That's not all, but… 451

About the preface dedicated to Cesar and Epistole dedicated to 451 Henry the Second.

Just one moment from ORVS APOLLO . 458

Application. The original text of the book "Prophecies M. 460 of Nostradamus" with a translation into Russian.

9.1 PREFACE DE M. MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS A Ses Propheties. Ad 461 Caesarem Nostradamum filium, VIE ET FELICITE.

9.2 PREFACE M. NOSTRADAMUS TO His Prophecies. 465 Cesar, son of Nostradamus, LIFE AND HAPPINESS.

9.3 Centuria first. 470

9.4 Second Centurion. 479

9.5 Centuria third. 488

9.6 Centurion fourth. 496

9.7 Centuria fifth. 505

9.8 Century sixth . 51 3

9.9 Century seventh . 522

9.10 A L'INVICTISSIME, TRES PVISSANT, ET tres-chrestien Henry 526

Roy de France second; Michel Nostradamus son tres humble,

tres-obeissant seruiteur & subiect, victoire & felicite'.


Michel Nostradamus his most humble, most humble

servant and subject, victory and happiness.

9.12 Eighth Centurion. 542

9.13 Centuria IX . 551

9.14 Tenth century. 560


Everyone knows the name Nostradamus. But what kind of person was hiding under it, the greatest prophet of all time, or a skillful cunning, who led, and still leads all of humanity by the nose? So far, there has been no convincing answer to this question. Famous author of several works from sixteenth-century France, most notably his "Prophecies" – " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ”, due to the vagueness and, at times, ambiguity of its sayings, has been exciting people's minds for almost five centuries.

A huge number of books have been written on this topic, films have been made, articles and articles have been published, someone on behalf of Nostradamus predicts current events, using his imagination and the flight of his thoughts, hanging another portion of noodles on the ears of those who are thirsty.

Others, with frequent periodicity, announce to the world about the discovery of a certain key that makes it possible to decipher the texts of the prophecies, and finally find out the secrets and dates of future events.

True, upon a careful review of all such "discoveries", it turns out that everything is somehow "small", frivolous, and far-fetched all by the same ears.

Thoughts about the presence of a certain cipher, of course, are the right thing to do. Many serious researchers of the work of Michel Nostradamus agree on this, but finding him turns out to be far from an easy task.

Of course, it's too early to put an end to it, but I propose in this book to find answers to many questions related to this black hole. I think now I have something to say. There are some pretty good reasons for this.

The book turned out to be quite capacious, at the time of the beginning of its compilation, not too many magical facts were known to me, only the key ones. But, in the process of moving on, I, as they say, accelerated, and, by the end of my creation, I knew them much more. Therefore, at least the first half of the book, it was necessary to rewrite it again, supplementing it with new details. Considering that this has already taken years, and the work is already quite material-intensive, I decided to leave everything as it is for now, because time inexorably runs forward. So this book, it seems, will not be the first and last.

Well, for now, about everything in order. Traditionally, it is customary to start with the biography of the creator. I won't leave her.


On December 14, 1503 (according to another version, December 21), Michel de Notre Dame was born in the family of the Jew Jomes de Gazon, who changed his surname to Notredam after being baptized, in the city of Saint-Remy-de-Provence. His family was quite educated. Father was a notary, grandfather – Guy-de-Gazon (later – Pierre-de-Notredam) – was also a notary and traded in grain. Mother – Rene de Saint-Remy – was the granddaughter of Jacques de Saint-Remy, a doctor in Saint-Remy.

It is with this great-grandfather that the childhood of Michel de Notre Dame is associated. It is believed that it was from him that he received his first knowledge of Latin, Greek, Hebrew and the exact sciences.

In 1518, Michel entered the university in Avignon, and in 1519 he was already expelled from it. The reason is called an outbreak of plague in the city.

Little is known about the next few years of his life, until 1529, when he entered the University of Montpellier at the Faculty of Medicine. However, in the university library there is a document about the newly expelled student Notre Dame due to the fact that he was seen in the pharmaceutical business, which was prohibited by the University Charter. Whether or not Michel de Notredame eventually received his Ph.D. has not yet been ascertained for certain, as far as I know.

Approximately in 1533, he settled in Agen, where he became friends with Jules Cesar Scaliger, a famous scientist of that time.

Little is known about Notre Dame's first wife. Presumably, in 1534, he offered his hand and heart to a certain Henriette d'Encausse, who agreed to accept everything, and bore him two children: a boy and a girl.

However, family happiness did not last long. Trouble comes to their house. Wife and children die. Presumably, due to some kind of epidemic, in 1537 (39?) Year.

In 1538, also, for an unknown reason, friendship with Scaliger breaks off, and Notre Dame leaves Agen. It's time for his travels. There are traces of its presence in Italy, Germany, and, of course, in different parts of France. In 1544, he practiced medicine in Marseilles, in 1546 – in Aix-en-Provence, where he was probably granted a lifetime pension for his contribution to the fight against the plague for a reason.

November 11, 1547 he marries a second time. His chosen one is Anna Ponsard Gemellier, a widow from Salon-de-Provence, where they settle. Subsequently, they have six children: three boys and three girls: Madeleine ( 1551 г.b.), Cesar ( 1553 г.b.), Charles ( 1556 г.b.), Andre ( 1557 г.b.), Anna ( 1559 г.b.) and Diana ( 1561 г.R.).

Of all the children, fame will subsequently come to the eldest of the sons – Cesar. In addition to becoming a biographer of his father, a poet, a historian (he will write "History of Provence"), an artist, he is marked by his father in the "Prophecies".

Probably, his first book, and unpublished, Notredam wrote in 1541 (perhaps a little later), during his wanderings in Europe. It is called, for short, " ORVS APOLLO ", or "Interpretation of the hieroglyphs of Horapollo". It came down to us in the form of a manuscript, consisting of 86 sheets, and containing the embryo of the Author's cipher, about which a little later. Here I will only say that in this work the new surname of the Author appears for the first time – NOSTRADAMVS .

In 1548, he traveled around Italy, and in 1549, his first printed Almanac, a collection of astrological forecasts for the next year, was published. He, subsequently, will be published annually, until the death of the writer.

From that moment on, Nostradamus (now so) becomes famous. Then, almost in the same year, two of his works were published: “A Treatise on the Preparation of Masks and Jams” ( 1555 г.) and the first part of the main book of his life – “ LES PROPHETIES ".

His fame in these years is evidenced by the fact that even Queen Catherine de Medici is interested in the Foreteller. In 1555, Nostradamus really receives a call to the royal court, where he immediately goes.

He had a fear that his head would be cut off, but did not come true. On the contrary, he receives a monetary reward (modest, in fact) from the queen and king.

In 1557, an expanded edition of his "Prophecies" was published, and in the same year another of his works appeared: "A paraphrase of Galen, his admonitions to Menadot in the study of fine arts and medicine."

With the advent of fame comes the time of danger and criticism, so in subsequent years Nostradamus clearly did not feel at ease. As for criticism – the times were still those! I had to fight off a large number of caring people. And, with regards to the dangers, there are facts that Nostradamus spent some time under house arrest.

At present, there are only indirect facts that the third part of the "Prophecies" was published in 1558: only posthumous editions have come down to us. The earliest are from 1568.

In parallel with the craft of writing, Dr. Nostradamus continues to invariably help people. In 1559 he went to Bayonne, where he fought the plague.

At the end of the same year, he meets with the Duchess of Savoy, and in 1560 he travels to Rome as a royal courier.

In 1561, riots begin in the Salon, and Nostradamus leaves for Avignon. In the same year, already in Nice, he again visits the Duchess of Savoy and draws up the horoscope of her son.

October 17, 1564 Charles IX and Catherine de Medici, passing through the Salon, meet with Michel Nostradamus. After that, he accompanies them on a journey around the country for a month. Already in Arles, he is appointed Royal Physician and Astrologer. Finally, in 1565 Nostradamus in Aix…

At the end of June 1566, being seriously ill, in the presence of his notary, he draws up a detailed will, and on July 2, early in the morning, Michel Nostradamus dies at his home, in the Salon, from pulmonary edema.

F E N O M E N – N O S T R A D A M U S

For almost five hundred years, his Latinized surname has made the hearts of the inhabitants of the planet worry. For all this time, as soon as they did not interpret his quatrains – quatrains, which form the basis of the "Prophecies". What only the events of history are not tied to them.

Let me give you just a few facts:

During the Second World War, the Germans issued leaflets with false quatrains predicting the defeat of France, which were then dropped from aircraft. Subsequently, the allied forces responded in kind.

Shortly after the collapse of the World Trade Center in the United States, false interpretations of quatrains appeared, "predicting" this.

"Predictions" of the French Revolution, the appearance of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte were discovered.

Not without Russian leaders and global events.

Predictions about atomic bombs, submarines, airplanes, space flights, etc. have been found.

Even during his lifetime, Nostradamus was often criticized. After the publication of his Almanacs, for example, the astrologer Lorenz Videl wrote to him: “In true astrology, you understand less than anyone .” All the legends about his prophetic gift, mainly described by his son Cesar and personal secretary Chavigny, are absolutely not confirmed by anything, and are a fairy tale.

His loudest fame, about predicting the death of King Henry II at the tournament from a blow to the face with a spear, a few years before this fact (quatrain 1-35), is also just a legend, invented much later. This is evidenced by the fact that until 1614 no one perceived this quatrain in this context.

If we talk about Nostradamus as a doctor who fought the plague with the help of miraculous drugs, then there are absolutely no facts about this either. On the contrary, the compositions described by him. from rose petals, for example, have nothing to do with anti-plague drugs.

So who is this man who became the Royal Physician and Astrologer, who already gained great fame during his lifetime? Now everything is much more detailed.


As I already mentioned, the first work that has come down to us, written by Nostradamus, was written in 1541, or a little earlier. It came to us in the form of a manuscript of the Author himself, which is surprising and unique in itself, under the long title " ORVS APOLLO FILS DE OSIRIS ROY DE AEGYPTE NILIACQVE . DES NOTES HIEROGLYPHIQVES. LIVRES DEVX MIS EN INCREEDIBLE ET ADMIRABLE. ERVDITION ET ANTIQVITE . It is translated as follows: “Orus Apollo (Horapollon), son of Osiris, king of Egypt of the Nile (Nile). Hieroglyphic notes (records). Two books set out in rhythm (rhyme) by epigrams, a work of incredible and admirable erudition and antiquity. The manuscript consists of 86 sheets, and is a very free translation of the ancient Greek work.

Most likely, the primary source for the manuscript was, nevertheless, the already translated text of one of Nostradamus' contemporaries. Gorapollon's theme was relevant then. It is noteworthy that this manuscript is dedicated to Jeanne d'Albret, the young princess of Navarre, who at the time of its creation was (based on 1541) thirteen years old. According to the established practice, the authors of those years dedicated their works to well-known personalities who had already taken place, and here – to a girl, a girl.

The likelihood that she would ever become queen was very small. But it happened! In 1555 she became queen of Navarre.

The fact that the manuscript belongs to the pen of Nostradamus is a fact that has been researched and proven. As the name implies, this work consists of two parts, each part, in turn, consists of small notes-records, designated by the Author as " NOTE , NOTA , NOTHA , NOTHE ". In various ways, the time of the formation of standards for the grammar of writing was still far off.

Each NOTA gives an interpretation to an Egyptian hieroglyph. For example: “How did they designate eternity…” Further, in poetic form, the answer was given in several lines.

One of the notable features of the manuscript is its almost complete absence of punctuation marks, the absence of apostrophes (for example, lan instead of l' an ) and diacritics inherent in French writing. This is a rather important fact. The later published "Prophecies", especially the early ones, suffer, in part, from the same sores.

Now about Notre Dame's penchant for cryptography, revealed several years ago in this book by the remarkable French researcher Patrice Guinard. On the forty-second page of the manuscript, he discovered the first serious secret signature of the Author.


N ous demonstrer voulant le rauisseur

Ou roy tyran de son peuple ennemy

Seulement quayme flateurs et aportent

T enent ouuert lhuys comme a son amy

R ecord de ce ilz faisoient paingdre en my

A iant la gueulle ouuerte pres du ventre

D u crocodile et Trochillus qui entre

A tout son bec lui oustant les sangsues

M ais crocodile par pleasure consue

V ient hors chasser loyseau qui puis i rentre

S ens mal luy fere de ses dens si crochues.

From the title lines of this segment of the NOTE, the famous surname is formed.

You can independently see a large number of original creations of Nostradamus on the wonderful site " ". Everything is freely available there, for which he is extremely grateful.

In 1555, a book called " LES PROPHETIES DE M. _ MICHEL NOSTRADAMVS ", hereinafter – "Prophecies". It consisted of a preface dedicated to the author's son Cesar, written in prose, and the so-called Centuries. Each Centurion contained, according to the Author's idea, one hundred quatrains-quatrains: separate small prophecies. This first edition contained the first three complete Centuries plus 53 quatrains of the fourth. At the moment, the expanses of His Majesty the Internet, thanks to certain benefactors, show the world at least three surviving editions of that year. They all differ from each other, and one thing is very significant. Here, for the first time, we will have to face this fact, which brings indelible harm to any study of the work of Nostradamus: the printing matrices of the printing presses of those years, for some reason, were very often changed and corrected.

In 1557, again in Lyon, the French industrial and commercial center of those years, in another publishing house, Antoine du Rosne ", the second, expanded edition of the Prophecies is published, extended to the forty-second (40?) quatrain of the seventh Centuria. Moreover, the sixth Centurion, instead of the hundredth quatrain, had an unnumbered quatrain-spell in Latin.

To date, only three or four copies of the 1557 issue have been seen on the Internet. All of them are different from each other. Copies stored in Moscow and Budapest contain only forty quatrains of the seventh Centuria, and do not contain the spell "number 100" of the sixth. They are dated November 3, 1557.

By some irony of fate, the next copy of the "Prophecies", stored in the Netherlands, in the library of the city of Utrecht, dated September 6, 1557, is more complete. As I have already indicated, there are two more quatrains in it, and there is a spell in Latin. The fact that it is this edition, the most authentic, will be proved by me later. As for others – a huge question for the Author – WHY? Fear, because everything conceived and stated will be quickly revealed? …May be!

There are several main differences between the editions of 1555 and those of 1557. I will give some of them as an example.

Perhaps the main, and, as will be shown later, intentional difference is contained in quatrain 3-18, all attention is on its third line.

Option editions of 1555 :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reins le ciel touché:

Helasquel meurtre de seng pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

Option more late editions :

Apres la pluie laict asses longuete,

En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touche':

O quel conflict de sang pres d'eux s'apreste,

Peres & filz roys n'oseront approcher.

" Seng " is an untranslatable word, and most likely means " sang " – blood. Such a "mistake" for this book, as it turned out, is very significant. In addition, these editions differ from each other by words composed entirely of capital letters. One example is in quatrain 3-51: " PARIS " (1555), " Paris " (1557)

Another distinctive feature of the 1555 editions is the replacement of words with symbols, as, for example, in quatrain 4-30: "The Moon and the Sun" ( Luna Sol ) are replaced with drawn symbols.

And, of course, there have been cases of substitution of the main prepositions ( de , du , la , le , etc.).

It is possible that the next, already complete edition of the Prophecies, was published in 1558 or 1559, which has not come down to us. At present, the earliest complete Les Propheties " are copies of the year 1568, i.e. published after the death of the Author, in Lyon, by the Benoist Rigaud .

The book contains:

Preface dedicated to the Author's son Cesar;

The first seven Centuries: the first five have 100 quatrains each, the sixth has 99 quatrains plus an unnumbered quatrain – a warning written in Latin, the seventh consists of 42 quatrains;

Quite capacious Epistle to Henry the Second;

The last three Centuries, 100 quatrains each.

Total 941 full-fledged quatrain.

Linguistic analysis of the 1568 editions gives reason to believe that this is an amended version of the 1557 edition with forty-two quatrains in the seventh centurion (Utrecht).

What is this book? As the name implies, this is a collection of short, four-line poetic prophecies. Unlike other works of Nostradamus, they are simply replete with disastrous and terrible events. Plague, famine, death, blood, flood, fire – this is the future the Prophet foretells to mankind. The lack of dates, with rare exceptions, gives interpreters a reason to tie "liked" quatrains to various events that happened. The vague style of writing and the complexity of translation contribute greatly to this. In general, it all depends on the imagination of the interpreter.

The Author himself, which can be seen in the Preface to Cesar, assured that: “I compiled books of prophecies, each of which contains a hundred astronomical quatrains, composed of prophecies that I wished to compose a little vaguely, these are continuous predictions from the present time to the year 3797.” It was this date, openly named, that captivated all those who were eager to reveal the secrets of the future. It took me quite a long time.

A huge number of books have been published on this subject. I read somewhere that the "Prophecies" are, after the "Bible", the most mysterious book in the world.

It took me a very long time to come to an understanding of the secret writing of Nostradamus, but the beginning of this process gave such a rapid acceleration to everything that followed, which cannot be described in words.


In from him, quatrain is the motivator of everything else:

1-15 Mars nous menasse par sa force bellique,

Septante foys fera le sang espandre: Auge & ruyne de l'Ecclesiastique, Et plus ceux qui d'eux rien voudront entendre.

Mars leads us with its military power,

Seventy times blood will be shed:

Apogee and destruction of the Church,

And more than those who do not wish to hear anything from them.

Yes, a gloomy, but rather inconspicuous-looking quatrain. Prophetic, this is clear at once. But what historical event, past, present, or future, could fit such a description? If you count all the bloodshed that took place in the world, or Europe, or in France, then from what date do you start? “Nostradamus, you outdid yourself with this quatrain,” I thought, “that's exactly seventy, no more, no less, you should have counted the bloodshed. Have you made a mistake in the calculation? Feeling that with this quatrain there was a complete dead end, out of desperation, I started counting all the blood – “ sang ” in the Centuries. So, manually, with a pencil, I began to highlight these words right in the book …

As is probably already clear, there were exactly seventy of them in the first seven centuries.

Quatrain 1-15, as an introductory one, did not participate in the calculation. It mentions " sang " for the first time, and the countdown starts right after it. It was a real breakthrough! The book of Nostradamus has finally spoken. The lines of other quatrains began to be perceived differently. For example , the line quatrain 4-1:

Sela du reste de sang non espandu…

This is the remnant of unshed blood…

Or the line of quatrain 8-1, which begins the second stage of the "Prophecies":

PAV, NAY, LORON plus feu qu'a sang sera…

PO, NAY, LORON, there will be more fire than blood …

Now I want to return to the previously mentioned quatrain 3-18. In the edition of 1555, one blood is “killed” in this quatrain, changing “ sang ” to a mangled, incomprehensible word “ seng ”. Considering such a "murder", the blood already sounds seventy times already in the first seven Centuries, even taking into account quatrain 1-15. This, apparently, is the formation of the "rules of the game", not otherwise. What can I say, the Author himself claims this. The line of quatrain 3-18 in the version of the 1555 edition:

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