Mark Tven

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you couldn't go right to eating

sublimity, I begin to feel my fierce desire to converse with a genuine Emperor cooling down and passing away. What am I to do with my hands? What am I to do with my feet? What in the world am I to do with myself?

Как это всегда бывает,переменчивая,легковерная публика приняла теперь Мэфа Поттера в свои объятия и расточала ему ласки так же неумеренно,как прежде-брань.Но такое поведение только делает публике честь,поэтому нехорошо осуждать её за это.

take a chicken when you get a chance

bear so heavy and unwelcome tidings; but it is the will of God that the prince’s aflfiction abideth still

Nobody could tell you how to find any place in the kingdom, for nobody ever went intentionally to any place, but only struck it by accident in his wanderings, and then generally left it without thinking to inquire what its name was.