Гарриет Бичер-Стоу

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Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
dan 10 742,68 soʻm
Bepul electron versiya
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Bepul electron versiya
dan 13 082,25 soʻm
dan 10 742,68 soʻm
Bepul electron versiya
Bepul electron versiya
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gave him a breakfast out of her little package. The boy wondered and grieved that she could not eat, and when putting his arms round her neck he tried to force some of his cake into her mouth, it seemed to her that the rising in her throat would choke her. "No, no, Harry, darling! mother can't eat till you are safe! We must go on – on – till we come to the river." And she hurried again into the road and proceeded on her journey. When the trader came to take away Harry, he was in a great rage, because neither the boy nor his mother could be found. The master who sold him was also very angry, and ordered two of his negroes, called Andy and Sam, to bring out two of the swiftest horses, and help the trader to pursue Eliza, and take Harry from her. Andy and Sam did not like that work, but being slaves, they dare not disobey. However, they did what they could to detain the trader; for, pretending to be in great haste, they squalled for this and that, and frightened the horses, till they ran off over hedges and ditches, with Andy and Sam after them, laughing till their sides ached as soon as they got out of sight. The trader all the while stood cursing and swearing, like a wicked man as he was. When the horses were caught, they were so tired with their race, that he was fain to let them stay and rest till dinner-time. But when dinner-time came, Chloe the cook, of whom you will hear more in the course of the story, spilled one dish, kept another long in baking; and so the trader did not get his dinner till it was late in the afternoon. The horses were brought out at last, and he set off with Sam and Andy in pursuit of poor Harry and his mother. They had gone a great way by this time, and Eliza's feet were sore with walking all the night and day, and Harry was ready to lie down and sleep on the snow. As the sun was setting, they came in sight of the great river Ohio. There was no bridge over it. People crossed in boats in the summer time, and in winter on the thick ice, with which it was always covered. Now it was the month of February. The ice had broken, because spring was near. The river was swollen over all its banks, and no boatman would venture on it. There was a little inn hard by, and there poor Eliza hoped to get a little rest for herself and Harry, who was now fast asleep in her arms. She had just sat down by the fire, when, who should ride into the yard but the trader and his guides. The swift horses had brought them much quicker than she and Harry could walk, but the weary mother would not lose her child. She darted out with him that moment, and the verses will tell you by what means she escaped.

. If we were on the spot to-day, we should see a modern American seaport, with an interest of its own, but by no means a romantic one.

– Полно, кузина, не смотрите на меня как сама богиня судьбы. Ведь вы только одним глазком, в щелочку, увидели образчик того, что в той или иной форме творится повсюду на земле. Если вникать во все ужасы и бедствия, так и жить не захочется. Это все равно что слишком внимательно приглядываться к стряпне нашей Дайны.

Когда вам становится очень туго, и все оборачивается против вас, и, кажется нет сил терпеть ни одной минуты больше, ни за что не отступайте, именно в такие моменты наступает перелом в борьбе.

Религия! Разве то, что преподносят вам в церкви, – религия? Это – скользкая и гибкая доктрина, приспосабливающаяся к капризам и требованиям эгоистического светского общества!