Mening kitoblarim
Methods of SEO evaluation
Face validation using skin, eyes and mouth detection
Features of functioning of the Internet economy and digital agencies in the Russian Federation
Creation of a chemical-technological system digital twin using the Python language
Институциональный контекст предпринимательства в странах с развивающейся экономикой: сравнение восприятия студентами вузов девяти стран
Analysis of short unstructured documents using fuzzy significance scales and special procedures for economic information integration
Matters of economic ecosystem classification
Рубрицирование текстовой информации на основе голосования интеллектуальных классификаторов
Бизнес-информатика: немецкий взгляд на характеристики, проблемные области и возможности
Business intelligence as a decision support system tool
A method and a model framework for planning R&D changes in manufacturing enterprises
Tools of organizational change management using swarm intelligence methods
A software engineer organizer – new special solution
Анализ факторов успеха продвижения бренда в социальных сетях
Diffuse entrepreneurship and the very heart of «made in Italy», for fashion and luxury goods
Virtualization technologies and information system security
Организация многонаправленности иерархического подъема (спуска) и локация по структуре неоднородных знаний (продолжение)
Simulation of the movement of the supporting leg of an exoskeleton with two links of variable length in 3D
Digitalization and its impact on the development of Russia
Instruments and institutions of the information economy in the industrial development of Russia
New applications of competency models in human resource management
Developing the economic information system for automated analysis of unstructured text documents
Text processing and machine learning methods in HRM applications: opportunities and features
Bacterial optimization and complex swarm-simulation modeling of innovative projects’ promotion into the regions