Основной контент книги Celebrating 100 Years of Edward Gorey
Chiqarish muddati 36 daqiqa
2025 yil
Celebrating 100 Years of Edward Gorey
nyt podcasts
Podkast haqida
You’re familiar with Edward Gorey, whether you know it or not. The prolific author and illustrator, who was born 100 years ago this week, was ubiquitous for a time in the 1970s and 1980s, and his elaborate black-and-white line drawings graced everything from book jackets to the opening credits of the PBS show “Mystery!” to his own eccentric storybooks. On this week’s episode, the Book Review’s Sadie Stein joins Gilbert Cruz for a celebration of all things Gorey.
Oxirgi yangilanish:
21 fevral 2025