Основной контент книги Alafair Burke On Writing Crime Novels and Teaching Law

Chiqarish muddati 35 daqiqa

2025 yil


Alafair Burke On Writing Crime Novels and Teaching Law

nyt podcasts

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In Alafair Burke’s new thriller, “The Note,” three friends are vacationing together in the Hamptons when they have an unpleasant run-in with a couple of strangers and decide to exact drunken, petty revenge. But the prank they pull — a note reading “He’s cheating on you” — snowballs, eventually embroiling them in a missing-persons investigation and forcing each woman to wonder what dark secrets her friends are hiding. Burke joins host Gilbert Cruz and talks about how she came up with the idea for “The Note,” and how she goes about writing her books in general.

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25 yanvar 2025
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NYT Podcasts
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