Основной контент книги When to Team Up with Your Competition
Chiqarish muddati 24 daqiqa
2020 yil
When to Team Up with Your Competition
hbr ideacast
Podkast haqida
Barry Nalebuff, professor at Yale School of Management and cofounder of Honest Tea, says too many companies shy away from cooperating with a competitor, and they’re leaving value on the table. He says even when working with other companies to find mutual benefits is not a clear win, cooperating may still be better than not cooperating. He shares how Honest Tea, Apple, Ford, and other firms analyze and capitalize on opportunities without giving up their secret sauce. Nalebuff is the author, with NYU Stern professor Adam Brandenburger, of the HBR article "The Rules of Co-opetition."
Oxirgi yangilanish:
23 aprel 2021