Основной контент книги Real Leaders: Oprah Winfrey and the Power of Empathy

Chiqarish muddati 29 daqiqa

2020 yil


Real Leaders: Oprah Winfrey and the Power of Empathy

hbr ideacast

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In 1976, broadcast journalist Oprah Winfrey moved to Baltimore to coanchor the evening newscast at a local TV station. But she struggled in that spot and was moved to the morning talk show. That demotion led Winfrey to discover a professional calling that aligned with her personal sensibilities and emerging strengths. In the final episode of a four-part special series on leadership, HBR Editor in Chief Adi Ignatius and Harvard Business School professor and historian Nancy Koehn trace Winfrey’s career as an entrepreneur and leader of a media empire. They discover lessons on how to cultivate self-awareness, cross traditional boundaries, and responsibly wield influence.

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23 aprel 2021
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23 aprel 2021
Yozilgan sana:
26 mart 2020
29 daqiqa 10 sek.
HBR Russia
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