Основной контент книги How much of a risk is space junk?

Chiqarish muddati 31 daqiqa

2024 yil


How much of a risk is space junk?

bbc radio 4

Podkast haqida

Space junk.

It might sound like an out-of-this-world problem that we don’t need to worry about here on Earth – but is it?

As we send more and more metal in the form of satellites up into space, scientists are warning it is becoming more of a risk both here – and up there.

We dig into the problem and what’s being done to clean it up.

Also this week, we answer a listener question about oceans and their influence on global temperatures, and we ponder the use – and sometimes abuse – of scientific language.

And with the Paris Olympics well under way, how much does sex affect sporting performance?

Presenter: Victoria Gill Producers: Ella Hubber & Gerry Holt Editor: Martin Smith Production Co-ordinator: Jana Bennett-Holesworth

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