Основной контент книги John Bolton’s New World Order
Chiqarish muddati 41 daqiqa
2024 yil
John Bolton’s New World Order
Podkast haqida
After World War II, the United States attempted to construct something new: a liberal, American-led, rules-based international order that would promote human rights, Enlightenment values, and democracy. Today, the dictatorial rulers of China, Russia, and Iran are attempting to establish something different: a world order that is radically illiberal with rules made in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran, and hostility regarding human rights, Enlightenment values, and democracy. This is one of the topics on the mind of former National Security Advisor and U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton. He joins host Cliff May for an in-depth discussion.
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27 iyun 2024
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Автор, Foundation for Defense of Democracies