Robotic Thumbs, Mending Bones with Magnets, and the State of Science this Summer

Chiqarish muddati 28 мин.

2022 yil


Robotic Thumbs, Mending Bones with Magnets, and the State of Science this Summer


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Gaia Vince takes you for a mosey around his year's Summer Science Exhibition, held by London's Royal Society. Along the way, PRS Sir Adrian Smith talks of reforming A-Levels and a sorry international science collaboration situation as many european research grants are terminated amidst a Brexit withdrawal agreement stand-offs.

The Royal Society Summer Science Exhibition is on until Sunday 10th July, it is free to attend and there are many activities and events online too.

Presented by Gaia Vince Produced by Alex Mansfield

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22 апреля 2024
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Автор, BBC
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