Основной контент книги Highlights: #192 – Annie Jacobsen on what would happen if North Korea launched a nuclear weapon at the US
Chiqarish muddati 23 daqiqa
2024 yil
Highlights: #192 – Annie Jacobsen on what would happen if North Korea launched a nuclear weapon at the US
80,000 Hours
Podkast haqida
This is a selection of highlights from episode #192 of The 80,000 Hours Podcast.
These aren't necessarily the most important, or even most entertaining parts of the interview — and if you enjoy this, we strongly recommend checking out the full episode:
Annie Jacobsen on what would happen if North Korea launched a nuclear weapon at the US
And if you're finding these highlights episodes valuable, please let us know by emailing podcast@80000hours.org.
Luisa’s intro (00:00:00)The minutes after an incoming nuclear attack is detected (00:00:22)Deciding whether to retaliate (00:04:24)Russian misperception of US counterattack (00:07:37)The nuclear launch plans that would kill millions in neighbouring countries (00:11:38)The war games that suggest escalation is inevitable (00:15:31)A super-electromagnetic pulse (00:19:12)Highlights put together by Simon Monsour, Milo McGuire, and Dominic Armstrong
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25 iyul 2024