Kitobni o'qish: «Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами»



Abandon. Desert, leave, forsake, depart from, quit, give up, relinquish, discontinue, abdicate, renounce, repudiate, forswear, withdraw from, vacate, surrender, retract, recant, retire from, cast off, abjure, cede, cease, resign, forego, yield, waive, part with, let go, lay down, evacuate, drop, deliver up.

Ant. Claim, cherish, defend, keep, hold, maintain, protect, adopt, uphold, advocate, vindicate, occupy, undertake, prosecute, pursue, follow, seek, guard, favor, retain, support, assert, haunt.


Abandoned. Discarded, rejected and the p.p. of the syn. of “abandon”; depraved, corrupt, profligate, wicked, unprincipled, shameless, sinful, hardened, impenitent, lost, demoralized, vicious, dissolute, reprobate, graceless, obdurate, licentious, incorrigible, irreclaimable, bad.

Ant. The p.p. of the ant. of “abandon”; visited, frequented, sociable; virtuous, good, deserving, worthy, commendable, excellent, laudable; reclaimable, penitent; conscientious, correct, upright, righteous, self-controlled, high-principled, steady.


Abandonment. Desertion, renunciation, surrender, rejection, abandoning, relinquishment, dereliction; cession, resignation, abnegation, demission, abjuration, abdication, defection, abrogation.

Ant. Solicitude, care, heed, watchfulness, vigilance; hospitality, entertainment, conviviality, welcome, reception; retention, completion, reclamation, support, help, correction, custody, tenacity.


Abase. Degrade, reduce, lower, discredit, disgrace, dishonor, humble, sink, humiliate, bring low, cast down, stoop, debase, depress, drop, take down, demean.

Ant. Elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, dignify, uplift, aggrandize.


Abasement. Degradation, humiliation, dishonor, degeneracy, shame, depression, reduction, lowering, fall, deterioration, debasement, degeneration, vitiation, perversion, depravation, abjection, disrepute, discredit, subserviency.

Ant. Promotion, exaltation, honor, elevation, aggrandizement, dignity, repute, reputation, standing, supremacy.

Abash. Bewilder, confound, disconcert, discompose, confuse, daunt, humble, dishearten, mortify, shame, humiliate, snub, discountenance.

Ant. Embolden, cheer, encourage, animate, uphold, rally, countenance, inspirit, abet, incite, buoy.

Abate. Lessen, lower, reduce, diminish, moderate, decrease, decline, ebb, mitigate, subside, suppress, terminate, remove; temper, assuage, alleviate, appease, pacify; remit, allow; relax, slacken; bate, deduct; soothe, soften, qualify, allay, mollify, compose, tranquilize, quiet, quell, calm, dull, blunt; batter down, beat down, demolish, raze.

Ant. Increase, prolong, magnify, foment, enlarge, extend, aggravate, continue, develop, revive, raise, enhance, amplify.


Abatement. Subsidence, decline, lowering, reduction, decrease; allowance, discount, rebate, depreciation, drawback; moderation, lessening, mitigation, assuagement, remission, sinking, settling, waning, fading, ebb, evanishment, declension, deduction, diminution.

Ant. Increase, augmentation, enlargement, increment, accretion, development, growth, aggrandizement, dilation, accession.


Abbreviate. Shorten, contract, curtail, reduce, abridge, condense, epitomize, compress.

Ant. Lengthen, extend, elongate, dilate, expand, amplify, enlarge, produce, stretch, prolong, expatiate.


Abbreviation. Abridgment, contraction, condensation, compend, abstract, epitome, reduction, summary, curtailment, compression.

Ant. Expansion, amplification, expatiation, extension, production, enlargement, dilation.


Abdicate. Resign, relinquish office (especially of the throne), surrender, abandon, vacate, forego, renounce, give up, cede.

Ant. Retain, claim, occupy, maintain, usurp, seize, grasp.


Abdomen. Belly, paunch, ventral region, visceral cavity.

Abduct. Take away (surreptitiously or forcibly), kidnap, run away with, carry off, spirit away, drag away.

Ant. Restore, reinstate, adduct.


Abduction. Withdrawal, drawing away, abstraction, kidnapping, seizure, appropriation.

Ant. Adduction, replacement, restitution, restoration, surrender, reinstatement.


Aberrant. Wandering, rambling, divergent, deviating, devious, erratic; irregular, abnormal, unusual, exceptional.

Ant. Regular, true, consistent, uniform, consecutive, normal, natural, continuous.


Aberration. Wandering, divergence, irregularity, rambling, disconnectedness, hallucination, illusion, delusion, eccentricity, singularity, peculiarity.

Ant. Uniformity, consecutiveness, regularity, progression, continuity, order, type, norm.


Abet. Aid, assist, promote, support, sanction, uphold, countenance, encourage, advocate, incite, instigate, embolden, favor, foment, connive at, coöperate with.

Ant. Hinder, impede, obstruct, frustrate, baffle, confound, counteract, deter, discourage, thwart, contradict, disconcert, disapprove, denounce, dissuade, expose.


Abettor. Assistant, helper, aid, ally, coöperator, advocate, confederate, accomplice, accessory, adviser, promoter, instigator, associate, coadjutor.

Ant. Opponent, foe, adversary, antagonist, rival, dissuader, detector, baffler, disconcerter.


Abeyance. Suspense, suspension, expectancy, waiting, anticipation, dormancy, intermission, quiescence, suppression, expectation.

Ant. Renewal, revival, resuscitation, action, operation, exercise, force, possession.


Abhor. Hate, detest, loathe, shrink from, recoil from, shudder at, abominate, despise, dislike, eschew, nauseate, revolt at.

Ant. Crave, desire, enjoy, covet, esteem, like, love, relish, admire, approve, affect.


Abhorrent. Odious, offensive, shocking, repugnant, loathsome, revolting, horrible, repellent, repulsive, nauseating.

Ant. Admirable, enjoyable, lovely, estimable, desirable.


Abide. Wait for, await, attend; endure, tolerate, bear, suffer; anticipate, watch for, expect; bide, continue, reside, dwell, sojourn, tarry, lodge, rest, stay, inhabit, remain.

Ant. Abandon, shun; resist, reject, avoid; deport, migrate, move, journey, continue, proceed, progress.


Abiding. Lasting, continuing, permanent, durable, constant, stable, immutable, changeless, unchanging.

Ant. Ephemeral, fickle, changeable, unsubstantial, perishable.


Ability. Power, force, might, efficiency, vigor, skill, energy, dexterity, adroitness, skilfulness, cleverness, ingenuity, talent, aptitude, facility, knack, expertness, readiness, quickness, strength, capacity, qualification, competency, genius, caliber, capability, capableness, faculty, gift, parts.

Ant. Incapacity, weakness, inability, unreadiness, maladroitness, imbecility, impotence, disability, inaptitude, inefficiency, incompetence, disqualification, helplessness, stupidity, folly.


Abject. Base, vile, mean, low, despicable, contemptible, worthless, groveling, fawning, beggarly, servile, cringing, miserable, degraded, menial, ignoble.

Ant. Dignified, honorable, exalted, worthy, venerable, illustrious, independent, princely, self-assertive, self-reliant, vain, arrogant, insolent, haughty.


Abjure. Renounce, relinquish, reject, forswear, forego, repudiate, disown, give up, retract, revoke, recant, disavow, disclaim, withdraw, take back, deny, apostatize, discard.

Ant. Claim, advocate, acknowledge, profess, vindicate, assert, demand, retain, appropriate, avow.


Able. Accomplished, adroit, talented, clever, ingenious, apt, skilful, efficient, capable, fitted, learned, gifted, masterly, telling, vigorous, strong, proficient, competent, versed, practical, endowed, powerful, mighty.

Ant. Incapable, ineffective, unqualified, stupid, inept, weak, inefficient, unskilful, silly, incompetent.


Ablution. Washing, bathing, cleansing, lavation, purification, baptism.

Ant. Pollution, defilement, dirt, soilure, contamination, taint, stain, abomination, impurity.


Abnegation. Denial, abjuration, renunciation, rejection, surrender, abandonment, disallowance, abstinence.

Ant. Assertion, vindication, license, claim, indulgence, concession; affirmation, allegation, statement, declaration, word, averment, deposition; proposal, proffer.


Abnormal. Singular, unnatural, unusual, irregular, peculiar, exceptional, aberrant, erratic, monstrous, preternatural.

Ant. Normal, regular, usual, natural, typical, customary, ordinary, common.


Aboard. On board, on the ship, afloat, inside, within.

Ant. Ashore, aground.


Abode. Home, house, place, residence, domicile, habitation, dwelling, lodging, quarters, seat.

Ant. Halt, tent, bivouac, perch.


Abolish. Abrogate, annul, destroy, repeal, revoke, suppress, terminate, rescind, cancel, nullify, suppress, overthrow, extirpate, remove, prohibit, set aside, end, stamp out.

Ant. Establish, support, sustain, cherish, confirm, continue, restore, revive, reinstate, institute, promote, legalize.


Abominable. Hateful, horrible, loathsome, abhorrent, foul, odious, offensive, detestable, impure, execrable.

Ant. Desirable, admirable, enjoyable, pleasing, pure, delectable.


Abomination. Offense, horror, shame, wickedness, abhorrence, aversion, disgust, curse, pollution, iniquity, defilement, corruption, nuisance, annoyance.

Ant. Acquisition, enjoyment, gratification, blessing, desire, longing, delight, benefit, pleasure, satisfaction.


Aboriginal. Primitive, primeval, primary, pristine, native, original, indigenous, autochthonous.

Ant. Subsequent, imported, exotic, recent, modern, late, novel, fresh, immigrant, adventitious.


Abortion. Failure, miscarriage, disappointment, non-success, vain effort, defect, frustration, blunder.

Ant. Success, consummation, completion, realization, perfection, achievement, development, exploit, feat.


Abound. Team, swarm, multiply, swell, increase, flow, luxuriate, flourish, prevail, wanton, revel, exuberate.

Ant. Waste, lack, wane, vanish, lessen, decrease, die, decay, fall.


About. Concerning, regarding, touching, relative to, with reference to, in regard to; near, surrounding, around; almost, nearly, well-nigh; ready, on the point of, on the eve of; around, hind part before.

Ant. Afar, distant, remote; precisely, exactly.


Above. Overhead, aloft, on high; before, previously; higher, having precedence; over, exceeding, beyond, superior, excessive.

Ant. Below, beneath, within; later, subsequently; lower; less, diminished.


Aboveboard. Openly, candidly, frankly, sincerely, fairly, ingenuously, unreservedly, guilelessly.

Ant. Secretly, elusively, underhand, deceitfully, wilily.


Above-named. Named before, aforesaid, above-mentioned, above-cited, above-described, mentioned above.

Ant. Named below, described below, hereinafter named.


Abrasion. Rubbing, friction, wearing away or off, disintegration, attrition.

Ant. Accretion, augmentation, increment; supplement, reinforcement.


Abreast. Alongside, side by side, aligned; against, off, opposite to.

Ant. Ahead, astern; behind.


Abridge. Abbreviate, shorten, condense, diminish, reduce, contract, cut down, deprive of, divest of, epitomize, compress.

Ant. Amplify, expand, spread out, extend, dilate.


Abridgment. Summary, synopsis, compend, analysis, abstract, abbreviation, epitome, outline, compendium, digest.

Ant. Amplification, expatiation, exposition, annotation, paraphrase, expansion, comment.


Abroad. Far away, distant, apart, dispersed, aloof, adrift; distracted, confused, dazed, confounded; forth, out of doors.

Ant. Near, close, collected, fast, housed; composed, poised, self-contained; within.


Abrogate. Abolish, cancel, set aside, annul, make void, overrule, invalidate, nullify, repeal.

Ant. Enact, confirm, enforce, establish, continue, revive.


Abrogation. Repeal, rescinding, annulment, abolition, revocation, voidance, cancelation, setting aside; discontinuance, disestablishment.

Ant. Enactment, institution, establishment; sanction, continuance, confirmation.


Abrupt. Sudden, unexpected, hasty, ill-timed, precipitate; steep, precipitous, craggy, rough, rugged, jagged; short, blunt, curt, unceremonious; stiff, cramped, harsh, disconnected.

Ant. Easy, gliding; polished, smooth, undulating; expected, courteous, elegant, complaisant, suave.


Abscond. Depart, steal away, decamp, bolt, disappear, run off, hide, withdraw, retreat, escape, elope, slink or sneak off, absent one’s self.

Ant. Show, appear, emerge, issue, present one’s self.


Absence. Non-attendance, non-appearance, non-existence, absenteeism; inattention, abstraction, preoccupation, musing; want, lack, privation, defect, deficiency.

Ant. Presence, existence, manifestation, evidence, supply; attention, consideration; immanence, inherency.


Absent. Away, gone; abstracted, preoccupied, inattentive, dreaming.

Ant. Present, here; attentive, alert.


Absolute. Perfect, complete, supreme, autocratic, authoritative, commanding, independent, unrestricted, unqualified, unlimited, unconditioned, self-existent, self-determined, ideal; despotic, arbitrary, exacting, domineering, tyrannical, imperious, dictatorial, irresponsible; positive, actual, real, veritable, genuine, certain, categorical, unquestionable.

Ant. Related, responsible, conditioned, limited, qualified, restricted, accountable; ductile, humble, lenient, meek, mild, yielding, compliant, complaisant; dubious, contingent, defective, deficient, wanting, lacking, mutilated, incomplete.


Absolution. Acquittal, remission, release, deliverance, forgiveness, pardon, shriving, shrift; indulgence, justification.

Ant. Charge, accusation, condemnation, censure, conviction; penance, purgation, fasting, flagellation.

Absolve. Acquit, clear, exonerate, forgive, free, liberate, release, pardon, set free, discharge, exempt, exculpate.

Ant. Accuse, condemn, convict, impeach, charge, compel; obligate, oblige, bind.


Absorb. Take in, consume, imbibe, swallow, suck up, exhaust; engross, engage, immerse, occupy, arrest, rivet (of attention).

Ant. Give up, disgorge, send out, radiate, throw off, eject; dissipate, distract, disperse.


Absorption. Absorbing, imbibing, assimilation, destruction, consumption, exhaustion; engrossment, engagement, occupation, immersion.

Ant. Ejection, rejection, expulsion, discharge; inadvertency, inattention, oversight, disregard.


Abstain. Refrain, resist, forbear, desist, deny one’s self, avoid, cease, stop, withhold, give up, relinquish.

Ant. Indulge, wanton, revel, yield to, gratify.


Abstemious. Abstinent, sober, moderate, temperate, sparing, frugal, self-denying, continent.

Ant. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, greedy.


Absterge. Wipe off, purge, cleanse, purify, scrub, sponge, scour.

Ant. Soil, pollute, begrime, contaminate, bespatter, bedaub.


Abstersive. Cleansing, purging, purifying, scouring; detergent, cathartic.

Ant. Corruptive, contaminative, offensive.


Abstinence. Temperance, abstemiousness, self-control, self-restraint, self-denial, sobriety, fasting, continence, moderation, frugality.

Ant. Excess, intoxication, self-indulgence, sensuality, wantonness, intemperance, greed, gluttony, revelry, dissipation.


Abstinent. Abstaining, fasting; abstemious, sober, temperate, self-restraining, self-denying, continent, austere.

Ant. Sensual, self-indulgent, intemperate, epicurean, dissipated, incontinent, debauched.


Abstract, n. Epitome, summary, abridgment, compend, synopsis, syllabus, outline, digest, brief, compendium, gist, drift, contents.

Ant. Amplification, disquisition, exposition, expansion, expatiation.


Abstract, v. Appropriate, withdraw, remove, separate, take away, detach, purloin, part, eliminate, distract, discriminate, abridge.

Ant. Add, complete, increase, restore, unite, conjoin, fill up, strengthen, combine.


Abstracted. Separated, withdrawn, removed; subtle, refined, abstruse; inattentive, preoccupied, dreaming, absent-minded, oblivious, thoughtless, negligent, indifferent, heedless, absorbed, absent.

Ant. Intelligible, lucid, transparent; attentive, intent, observant, alert, prompt, ready, thoughtful, wide-awake.


Abstraction. Disconnection, disjunction, removal, isolation, separation; preoccupation, revery, inattention, absorption, absence; taking, abduction, seizure, stealing, appropriation, purloining; classification, generalization.

Ant. Addition, conjunction, union, restitution, importation, restoration; enumeration, analysis; attention, specification, observation, individualization.


Abstruse. Hidden, difficult, recondite, profound, deep, curious, occult, dark, obscure, mystical, hard, vague, indefinite, mysterious, abstract, transcendental.

Ant. Patent, simple, obvious, trite, intelligible, manifest, lucid, clear, easy, plain, popular, superficial.


Absurd. Ludicrous, monstrous, nonsensical, preposterous, senseless, ridiculous, foolish, irrational, wild, unreasonable.

Ant. Sensible, rational, reasonable, logical, wise, sagacious, sound, substantial, philosophical, reflective, consistent, true.


Absurdity. Unreasonableness, irrationality, foolishness, folly, fatuity, idiocy, extravagance, drivel.

Ant. Reason, possibility; truism, axiom, maxim, adage.


Abundance. Profusion, wealth, affluence; flow, flood, overflow; copiousness, fertility, richness, largeness, store, plenty, exuberance, plenteousness.

Ant. Scarcity, deficiency, rarity, scantiness, dearth, failure, poverty.


Abundant. Abounding, flowing, plentiful, liberal, bountiful, sufficient, lavish, plenteous, much, copious, replete, full, teeming.

Ant. Rare, scarce, scant, deficient, insufficient, short, niggardly, sparing, impoverished, dry, drained.


Abuse, n. Misuse, dishonor, maltreatment, outrage, reviling, obloquy, defamation, insult, disparagement, reproach, ill usage.

Ant. Kindness, praise, deference, respect, honor, good treatment, good usage.


Abuse, v. Harm, ill-treat, ill-use, injure, wrong, maltreat, oppress, molest, malign, impose on, ruin, victimize, slander, violate, ravish, defile, disparage, damage, defame, misuse.

Ant. Cherish, protect, regard, shield, respect, care for, tend, benefit; laud, favor, applaud, extol, eulogize, praise; uphold, sustain, vindicate, conserve.


Abusive. Insulting, rude, denunciatory, reproachful, injurious, offensive, reviling, insolent, scurrilous, opprobrious.

Ant. Respectful, attentive, laudatory, kind, flattering, courteous, complimentary, obsequious.


Abut. Be adjacent, extend, impinge, project, approximate, be contiguous, adjoin; end, border.

Ant. Diverge, recede, return, retreat, recurve.


Abutment. Terminal support, buttress.


Abuttal. Adjacency, contiguity, nearness, juxtaposition; boundary, terminus, limit, termination.

Ant. Interval, separation, gap, chasm, interspace, fissure, breach.


Abyss. Gulf, gorge, deep, chasm, profound, abysm; the pit.

Ant. Surface, abutment, adhesion, contact, contiguity; heaven.


Academical. Scholastic, learned, literary, collegiate, classical.

Ant. Illiterate, ignorant, unschooled.


Academy. School, seminary, institute, college, gymnasium, high school; scientific body, association of artists.


Accede. Consent, assent, acquiesce, comply, agree, accept, concur, approve, coincide.

Ant. Decline, withdraw, refuse, demur, protest, dissent, reject.


Accelerate. Hasten, quicken, speed, precipitate, despatch, expedite, hurry, urge, push forward, press on; forward, advance, further.

Ant. Delay, impede, clog, hinder, retard, drag, obstruct.


Accent, n. Stress, beat, emphasis, rhythm, pulsation, intonation, cadence, tone, modulation, ictus.

Ant. Monotony, equableness, babble, flow, smoothness.


Accentuate, Accent, v. Lay stress upon, put the ictus on; emphasize, mark, make prominent.

Ant. Make light of, make insignificant, underestimate, ignore.


Accept. Take, receive; admit, agree to, approve, acknowledge, avow; estimate, regard, value, construe.

Ant. Refuse, decline, reject, ignore, disown, repudiate.


Acceptable. Welcome, pleasing, grateful, gratifying, pleasant, agreeable, pleasurable, seasonable, desirable, expedient.

Ant. Unpleasant, disagreeable, annoying, grievous, ungrateful, unwelcome.


Acceptance. Reception, taking; acknowledgment, approbation, approval, satisfaction, gratification.

Ant. Rejection, refusal, repudiation, exclusion.


Acceptation. Meaning, significance, sense, import, interpretation, construction, understanding; approval, adoption, acceptance.


Access. Entrance, approach, passage, avenue, entry; admission, admittance, audience, interview; addition, increase, gain; accession; attack, onset, fit, paroxysm.

Ant. Exit, egress, departure; exclusion; repulse, recoil; retirement, retreat; quiescence, inertia, languor, torpor.


Accessary, see Accessory.


Accessible. Easy of access, approachable, affable, conversible.

Ant. Distant, cold, unapproachable, difficult.


Accession. Addition, increase, enlargement, extension, augmentation; arrival, influx; attainment (of power).

Ant. Abandonment, decrease, ebb, drain, subsidence, departure, resignation, diminution.


Accessory, n. Confederate, assistant, helper, associate, accomplice; detail, accompaniment, subordinate element; companion, partner.

Ant. Foe, rival, adversary, antagonist, opponent, enemy; principal, instigator.


Accessory, a. Assisting, aiding, abetting, helping, acceding, additional; supplemental, subservient, subsidiary, subordinate, conducive; accompanying, contributory, auxiliary.

Ant. Essential, inherent; superfluous, irrelevant.


Accident. Chance, disaster, happening, hazard, incident, misfortune, calamity, adventure, casualty, mishap, possibility.

Ant. Certainty, provision, plan, intention, appointment, calculation, law, necessity, purpose, preparation.


Accidental. Casual, unintended, fortuitous, chance; incidental, immaterial, non-essential; occasional, contingent, adventitious.

Ant. Intended, purposed, prepared, appointed, certain.


Acclamation. Applause, cheer, outcry, homage, gratulation, salutation.

Ant. Censure, execration, denunciation, obloquy, sibilation.


Acclivity. Rise, incline, ascent, steep, hill, height.

Ant. Decline, declivity, hollow, descent, depth.


Accommodate. Oblige, serve, furnish, supply, contain, hold, convenience; adapt, reconcile, adjust, harmonize, suit, conform, arrange.

Ant. Deprive, aggravate, inconvenience, disturb, disoblige; misfit, incommode.


Accommodating. Kind, obliging, considerate, unselfish, polite, yielding, conciliatory.

Ant. Rude, churlish, disobliging, inconsiderate, exacting.


Accompany. Follow, attend, consort with, go with, escort, convoy.

Ant. Abandon, leave, quit, avoid, discard, desert.


Accomplice. Confederate, accessory, abettor, associate, ally, aid, assistant, promoter, coadjutor.

Ant. Rival, enemy, foe, adversary.


Accomplish. Complete, finish, achieve, effect, perform, carry out, attain, realize, consummate, execute, perfect, fulfil, do; equip, furnish.

Ant. Fail, mar, spoil, frustrate, defeat, disconcert, destroy.


Accomplished. Educated, experienced, practiced, finished, versed, consummate, adroit, expert, apt, skilful, talented, fine, qualified, proficient, polite, elegant; completed, effected, established.

Ant. Unskilled, unfettered, ignorant, unpolished, uncouth, inefficient, incapable, inexpert, incompetent.


Accomplishment. Execution, achievement, performance, completion; acquirement, attainment, proficiency, ornament, grace.

Ant. Failure, blunder, folly, stupidity, incompetency, mismanagement, bungling.


Accord. Agree, correspond, harmonize; grant, concede, give, yield, deign, vouchsafe, consent, answer.

Ant. Differ, disagree; withhold, deny, refuse.


Accordant. Agreeable, suitable, consonant, harmonious, congruous, agreeing, corresponding, conformable.

Ant. Adverse, inconsistent, discordant.


Accordingly. Suitably, conformably, agreeably; consequently, therefore, hence, wherefore.

Ant. Conversely, inconsistently, impertinently.


Accost. Approach, address, salute, greet, confront, speak to.

Ant. Depart, rebuff, check, repulse, shun, elude, pass, ignore.


Account, n. Record, register, inventory; bill, charge; count, calculation, enumeration; statement, description, narration, relation, narrative, recital, chronicle, history; explanation, exposition; consideration, regard, motive, reason; importance, worth, dignity, profit, advantage, benefit.

Ant. Suppression, silence; attempt, project; misannouncement.


Account, v. Esteem, regard, deem, judge, think, hold, believe, consider, view; estimate, reckon, rate; explain, solve.

Ant. Underrate, undervalue; disesteem, misestimate; mystify, perplex, darken.


Accountable. Responsible, punishable, answerable, liable, amenable; accredited, delegated.

Ant. Independent, absolute, supreme, despotic, autocratic.


Accouter. Equip, furnish, dress, fit out, arm, array.

Ant. Despoil, impoverish, denude, strip, bare.


Accredit. Credit, authorize, trust, empower, commission, depute.

Ant. Recall, supersede, dismiss, discard; disbelieve, distrust, suspect.


Accredited. Authorized, commissioned, sanctioned; confidential, trusted, believed.

Ant. Unauthorized, distrusted, discredited.


Accretion. Growth, accumulation, adhesion, coherence, increase.

Ant. Abrasion, disintegration, diminution.


Accrue. Result, arise, issue, ensue, follow, proceed, come, increase, augment.

Ant. Cause, occasion; reduce, weaken, abate.


Accumulate. Pile, collect, gather up, bring together; store, amass, garner, treasure, husband, lay by, hoard; aggregate.

Ant. Separate, dissipate, disperse, scatter, waste, expend.


Accumulation. Collection, heap, mass, accretion, hoard, store.

Ant. Separation, segregation; unit, individual; prodigality, leakage, expenditure.


Accuracy. Exactness, precision, nicety, truth, carefulness, correctness, exactitude, fidelity.

Ant. Looseness, slovenliness, incorrectness, error, fallacy, misconception, misstatement.


Accurate. Careful, exact, faithful, precise, truthful, correct, rigorous, close, severe, just, unerring.

Ant. Inexact, faulty, inaccurate, defective, loose, careless.


Accusation. Charge, indictment, arraignment, impeachment, imputation, crimination, censure.

Ant. Discharge, acquittal, vindication, absolution, approval.


Accuse. Charge, indict, arraign, incriminate, impeach, cite, summon, tax, censure, taunt, blame, reproach.

Ant. Discharge, acquit, defend, vindicate, exonerate, pardon, absolve, condone, release.


Accustom. Habituate, use, be wonted, harden, familiarize, train, addict, drill, break in, discipline.

Ant. Estrange, wean, alienate, dishabituate.


Acerbity. Sourness, acidity, tartness, bitterness, roughness, harshness, acrimony.

Ant. Sweetness, mildness, softness, gentleness, smoothness.


Ache, n. Pain, dull or continued pain, anguish, suffering, agony.

Ant. Pleasure, relief, ease, refreshment, delight.


Achieve. Accomplish, perform, complete, finish, realize, bring to pass, work out, conclude; obtain, acquire, gain, win, get.

Ant. Neglect, undo, mar, omit; fail of, lose.


Achievement. Accomplishment, performance, attainment, completion, consummation; exploit, deed, feat.

Ant. Forfeit, failure, negligence, frustration, blunder.


Acknowledge. Recognize, be aware of; admit, concede, allow, accept; confess, avow; express thanks for; own or profess.

Ant. Disclaim, disown, deny, repudiate, ignore, disavow.


Acme. Summit, zenith, climax, top, apex, vertex, pinnacle, culmination.

Ant. Base, nadir, depth, ground, foundation, foot, root.


Acquaintance. Association, familiarity; friend; intimacy, companionship, experience, knowledge, friendship, fellowship.

Ant. Ignorance, inexperience, unfamiliarity, ignoring.


Acquiesce. Assent, concur, yield, comply, submit, agree, consent.

Ant. Object, demur, dissent.


Acquire. Gain, earn, win, reap, obtain, attain, achieve, get, secure; master, learn thoroughly.

Ant. Lose, surrender, miss, forego, forfeit.


Acquit. Discharge, exonerate, release, absolve, excuse, pardon, exculpate.

Ant. Charge, condemn, sentence, compel, indict, imprison.


Acquittal. Discharge, release, deliverance, liberation, absolution.

Ant. Judgment, punishment, penalty, trial, retribution, correction, castigation.


Acrimony. Bitterness, sharpness, sourness, tartness, severity, asperity, hardness, rancor, ill-temper, spite, unkindness.

Ant. Gentleness, good nature, kindness, sweetness, courtesy.


Act, n. Deed, performance, exploit, accomplishment, achievement, effect, movement, transaction, work.

Ant. Cessation, inertia, quiescence, inaction, rest, repose, quiet, deliberation.


Act, v. Work, do, perform, execute; behave; play, feign, pretend, dissemble; operate, have effect; be, realize, actualize.

Ant. Rest, cease, stop, stay; neglect, omit, mar, undo; expose, reveal, vaunt; be quiescent or latent; fancy; endure, suffer.


Action. Exercise, motion, movement, deed, performance; agency, force, operation; battle, conflict; gesture; representation, play; subject, plot; lawsuit, case.

Ant. Inertia, torpor, languor; quiescence, rest, passiveness; harmony, truce, peace.


Active. Agile, brisk, alert, lively, quick, prompt, ready, spry; industrious, energetic, busy, diligent.

Ant. Dull, idle, indolent, lazy, quiet, slow, stupid.


Actual. Real, true, genuine, certain, absolute, positive, veritable, substantial; present, sensible, perceptible.

Ant. Possible, fictitious, supposititious, virtual, theoretical, hypothetical, conjectural.


Acumen. Discernment, penetration, keenness, shrewdness, insight, sharpness, sagacity, acuteness.

Ant. Dulness, obtuseness, stupidity, bluntness.


Acute. Sharp, pointed, keen, shrewd; violent, intense; high, sudden, severe, distressing; subtile, ingenious, sagacious, discerning.

Ant. Dull, blunt, obtuse, stupid, heavy; chronic; stolid.


Adaptation. Adjustment, fitness, conformity, suitableness, aptness, harmony.

Ant. Incompatibility, incongruity, misfit, discord.


Add. Sum up, increase, adjoin, append, attach, augment, enlarge, amplify, annex, affix.

Ant. Deduct, subtract, lessen, reduce, remove, diminish.


Addicted. Habituated, disposed to, inclined, prone, attached to, devoted, given over to, wedded to.

Ant. Averse, disinclined, unaccustomed, indisposed, divorced from.


Addition. Accession, enlargement, increase, extension, accretion, augmentation, adjunct.

Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
07 dekabr 2024
Yozilgan sana:
480 Sahifa 1 tasvir
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Yuklab olish formati:
O'rtacha reyting 4, 63 ta baholash asosida
Matn, audio format mavjud
O'rtacha reyting 4,7, 175 ta baholash asosida
Matn, audio format mavjud
O'rtacha reyting 4,7, 683 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 4,7, 1226 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 4,9, 258 ta baholash asosida
Matn, audio format mavjud
O'rtacha reyting 4,6, 92 ta baholash asosida