Kitobni o'qish: «Knights of Darkness. Wolfe's Diary», sahifa 2


Chapter 3. Joining groups

about a week later, we were united into different soldier groups. My group consisted of five people. Me, Mize, Sayfz, Rayner and Fils. Of all our group, I spent the least days in the forty-first battalion.

Chapter 4. Tasks (4ldp)

There were a lot of small tasks, daughter, we already thought that we were not taken seriously, But we were given a task to five more battalions, we had to lead five battalions into battle, It was very difficult, we chose soldiers there were only three battalions left. There were four times more enemies than our soldiers. After returning to the base, we were rewarded. They made honorary wars of the forty-first battalion. It was a great honor for us. We were glad of that. After that, we were given small, medium-sized tasks, but there were no more tasks as big as the task with five battalions. After some more battles, our squad was given its own shuttle and a separate cabin.