Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.1

Hajm 116 sahifalar

2022 yil


Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.1

86 138,21 soʻm
10% chegirma bering
Maslahat bering ushbu kitobni do'stingiz sotib olganidan 8 613,83 soʻm oling.


Kitob haqida

This collection of compact cases on management practices in Russian companies was produced by professors of HSE Graduate School of Business and other units of HSE University and resulted from a joint project between HSE GSB and The Case Centre, the one of the top case clearing houses globally. The cases in this volume reflect on a wide range of the current issues in business management, such as Strategic Management, Business Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Brand Management, ESG and Business Ethics, Talent Management, Entrepreneurship, as well as doing business during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This case collection is recommended for students, participants and faculty of various programs in management – from Bachelor and Master to MBA and Executive Education.

seriyasiga kiradi "Cases from the collection of the HSE Graduate School of Business"
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Kitob Коллектива авторов «Management practices of Russian companies. Vol.1» - pdf-ga yuklab oling yoki internetda o'qing. Sharhlar va fikr-mulohazalarni qoldiring, o'zingiz yoqtirganlarga ovoz bering.
Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
27 dekabr 2022
Yozilgan sana:
116 Sahifa
Umumiy o'lcham:
697 КБ
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