Kitobni o'qish: «Modernization of Islam», sahifa 3



The seven heavens are the spiritual ladders created for the soul to become a spirit. Every soul must climb these stairs. Qur’an and hadiths often say that there are seven Samawats, some verses of the Qur’an mention sama’wat. There are two interpretations of the use of the number «seven», in one view, the number «seven» here simply means «many» and is not to be taken literally, but many other commentators use the number literally, the Qur’an, for example, simply states that «Allah created seven heavens in succession» (Qur’an 71:14 (15).

Another verse says: «Allah created seven heavens and as many earths (Qur’an 65:12). Prophet Muhammad traveled through the seven describes the heaven. In the Qur’an, seven places are connected with the world of hell. Thus, in the first heaven (from the earth) the legendary prophet Ismail of the Arabs lives. Below him is an army of angels, those who protect the sky from demons. In the second heaven, the Prophet Jesus, the angel Gabriel, in the third – Yusuf, in the fourth – Idris (Enoch), in the fifth place – Harun (Aaron) and in the sixth place – Moses (Moses) In the seventh heaven there is Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who showed Muhammad paradise. Beyond that lies the sea, above which is the highest throne, the throne of God. Hell is guarded by nineteen angels, «each of whom has great power.» Hell has seven gates, each of which corresponds to a certain level, sin is twinned with its work, «the fire shall cover some up to the ankles, and others up to the knees, and others up to the loins, and others up to the necks.» moreover, according to the prophet, «hypocrites lie in the lowest floor of hell», between heaven and hell there is a barrier of al-a’raf (some translators of the Koran call it purgatory in the Bible), there will be people who still do not know about their fate after life.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Allah, out of His unconditional mercy and love for us, created the same number of seven heavens and earth, original hadith: «Allah created the seven heavens and the seven earths with mercy…» (Sunan Ibn Majah 4216). It reminds us to acknowledge and be grateful for the hadith and use it for our own good and to draw closer to Allah. Learning about God’s creation, including the seven heavens and the seven earths, can strengthen our faith and help us admire his wisdom and beauty. we can feel the gravity of Allah in his creation, which helps us to turn to him in prayer and thanksgiving. it can also help us overcome the difficulties and trials of life, knowing that Allah, who created the world and created the seven heavens and the seven earths, is with us and controls everything. «All that is in heaven and on earth praises God, who is the possessor of power and wisdom.» this verse indicates that Allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth and that all creatures in them glorify him. Further confirmation is given in Surah Talaq (65:12), which states:

«Allah is not more than seven and created as many earths.»

This confirms that Allah Almighty created seven heavens and as many earths, confirming His power and greatness. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also confirmed this teaching in his hadiths. In a hadith narrated by Abu Umama al-Bahili, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: «O Abu Umama, have you heard that Allah created seven heavens and seven earths?»

– Yes, O Prophet, – answered Abu Umama.

– O Allah, I praise You seven times – says the Prophet.

This hadith once again confirms the teaching that Allah created seven heavens and as many earths. He calls the believers to praise Allah for this absolute creation. The belief that God created seven heavens and seven earths is an important part of the Muslim faith and reminds man of God’s majesty and power.


Inner Peace = outer peace / inner happiness x outer war / inner turmoil Inner peace (or peace of mind) is a state of psychological or spiritual peace despite possible stressors. Being «at peace» is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of stress or evil, peace of mind is also associated with overall joy, happiness, and a meaningful life. peace of mind can be alertness and composure, the main thing is freedom from the influence of stress, in some cultures, a state of awareness or enlightenment that can be cultivated through various forms of practice/devotional practice, such as breathing exercises, prayer, meditation, tai chi or yoga, is considered inner peace. many spiritual practices refer to this inner peace as the experience of self-realization, people have trouble recognizing their inner spirituality because everyday stressors get in the way; Finding peace and happiness in the small joys of life can seem difficult, achieving spirituality is a gradual process; daily spiritual growth and development through health and truth, inner peace can be described as «a pleasant emotional state of low arousal with a sense of balance or stability.» Tenzin Gyatso, the current and 14th Dalai Lama, emphasized the importance of internal peace in the world:

The problem of real, lasting world peace is related to the human race, so basic human feelings are also at its root, real world peace can be achieved through inner peace, in this case, the importance of personal responsibility is quite clear; we must first create an atmosphere of peace within ourselves, and then gradually expand it to include the whole of humanity in our families, communities, and ultimately.

Man is the only creature that talks to himself. throughout the day we constantly talk to ourselves, gather information about the environment – life, a person acts exactly like a programmer entering information into a computer, with one difference: the human brain is both a programmer and a computer at the same time. Humans have the SOUL POWER to realize their potential. This is the external purpose of man. The problem is that this EXCESSIVE or MISAD pursuit of growth and development is a barrier to happiness and contentment. We have many wrong beliefs about life. Example: I will be happy if this wish comes true! The body is always afraid of death according to the laws of nature. Saying you are not afraid is a sign of hypocrisy. Man learns the meaning of death and not really fearing it – by believing in the existence of resurrection and correctly understanding its meaning, and that true faith reveals and educates the secret of death. During life, do not give the reins to excessive desires or passions. Together, these two essentially constitute nafs. It is important for a person to satisfy the needs of the soul, but there must be a Balance between the Soul and the Body. Then the soul finds its True Lord. Of course, in the first place, physical passions (food, sleep) are important from the point of view of natural laws, but also soul passions (to see, know, hear, get to know) are equally important. The most important thing for a person is that the soul and body do not go beyond the limits of Truth and that both are in harmony and agreement.

Yin and yang is a concept that originated in Chinese philosophy, describing opposite but interrelated, mutually eternal forces. Yin and Yang technology is the foundation of critical and deductive reasoning for effective differential diagnosis of diseases within

Confucian-influenced traditional Chinese medicine. Corresponds to the concept of Soul and Body in Islam. The vital force that forms part of any living entity is considered energy qi, a polysemous word that can be translated as «vital energy», «vital force», «material energy» or simply «energy». Qi is a central principle in traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and developing and balancing qi is called qigong. Qigong is a system of coordinated posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health, spirituality, and martial arts training. Qigong, in Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts, is traditionally viewed by the Chinese and throughout Asia as the practice of cultivating, developing, and balancing qi, which translates as «life energy.»

Yin and Yang <Life Energy (qi) <Internal Balance (qigong)

Qigong practice usually involves meditative movement, coordination of slow flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a quiet meditative state of mind. People throughout China and around the world practice qigong for recreation, exercise, relaxation, preventive medicine, self-healing, alternative medicine, meditation, self-cultivation, and martial arts training.

Internal conflict is a struggle within the human mind. In contrast to external conflict, a person’s self-conflict is not a surprising phenomenon in psychology. It seems normal to many people, but many do not admit it. A dilemma that creates internal conflict is usually some kind of ethical or emotional question. The questions that the mind asks itself that cause internal conflict are «What did I do wrong?», «Where did I go wrong?», «It’s all my fault, he’s to blame for nothing,» etc. self-stimulating affirmations. Internal conflict occurs when making choices and decisions, reporting.

The ability to experience peace is the advantage of the countryside over the cities. In a survey conducted by the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Agriculture (DEFRA), 58% of people said that tranquility was the most enjoyable feature of the countryside. The existence of quiet areas helps to revive rural tourism. Rural tourism in the US supports 380,000 jobs and contributes £000.13 billion to the rural economy each year, and one survey found that tranquility is the top reason for attracting 9% of visitors to rural areas.

From Outer Peace to Inner Peace. INNER PEACE requires a significant amount of cognitive effort. Constant mental activity can lead to long periods of attention fatigue. This can affect productivity, cause negative emotions, irritability, and decreased sensitivity to interpersonal situations. As the incidence of mental illness continues to rise, the influence of the indoor environment contributes to health and well-being. The effect of Inner Peace contributes to physical (body happiness) and psychological well-being (soul happiness). Calm natural surroundings affect the psychology of people suffering from depression. For example, one study found that stress (blood pressure, muscle tension, body response) induced by showing videos of workplace injuries (horror) followed by nature images and the sound of the Qur’an was added to the videos, resulting in faster recovery of health.

In ancient Greek philosophy, ataraxia, generally translated as «integrity,» «integrity,» «equality,» or «tranquility,» is a state of assured equanimity characterized by permanent freedom from calamity and anxiety. In non-philosophical usage, ataraxia was the ideal state of mind for warriors going into battle. Ataraxia is also a blissful state of mind that is considered the highest good. The highest state of mind and body Ataraxia or peace of mind is the ultimate goal of life. Ataraxia is sadness, absence of unhealthy desires, mental calmness.

Meditation is a practice in which an individual uses techniques such as focusing the mind, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or action, to focus and awareness, to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotional calmness and stability. meditation significantly reduces stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and enhances calmness, self-awareness, and happiness. Research is ongoing to better understand the effects of meditation on health (psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular) and other areas. Equanimity (patience) is a state of psychological stability and composure that is not disturbed by the experience or exposure to emotions, pain or other phenomena that may cause others to lose their mental balance.

The word «Islam» is derived from the Arabic word «aslama» which refers to the peace that comes from complete surrender and acceptance. From this, it can be understood that being a Muslim means being everything, that it originates from the ultimate wisdom of God, and that being a Muslim can be realized only in the condition of equality of each other. Allah says in the Qur’an: «Allah guides those who seek His pleasure in the path of peace» (Qur’an 5:16). «Surely, by remembering Allah, hearts find peace» (Qur’an 13:28). «Say, O Muhammad, it (the Qur’an) is a sure guide and a healer for those who believe» (41:44). Then Allah sent patience to His Prophet and Companions, sent unseen warriors, and punished those who did not believe (9:26). He sent rest to the hearts of the devotees so that their faith would increase. To Allah belong the armies of the heavens and the earth. Allah is All-Knowing and All-Wise (48:4). Allah was pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you under the tree in Hudaybiyah. He knew what was in their hearts and gave them peace and rewarded them with a near victory (48:18). Aisha (may God be pleased with her), the wife of the Messenger of God (may God bless him and grant him peace), reported that whenever he thought about a problem, he hurried to pray. And our Prophet as he said: «Prayer was the coolness of my eyes and comfort in the world.» Notice the difference between us and the Messenger of God. The prayer was cold to my eyes… It was a prayer that gave him peace and comfort, and he found it suitable in this way – standing in front of God Almighty in prayer. In conclusion, let us turn to the words of Hasan al-Basri. This famous scientist and righteous man said: «Seek happiness in one of three actions – reciting the Qur’an, reciting dhikr (remembering the Lord) and praying.» at the same time, he added: «If you do not find happiness in these three things, the doors of happiness are closed to you and you will not find it anywhere.» THIS MEANS THAT ISLAM SHOULD BE ACCEPTED SCIENTIFICLY AND NOT IN MADNESS OR IMITATION. Deep down, all people understand that true happiness continues in heaven. Because only then can there be peace, tranquility and grace. Only in paradise can a person get rid of fear, anxiety, and pain, which are an integral part of life on earth, and find peace. And the inhabitants of Paradise will be given a unique opportunity to see God Almighty, and the soul of every believer (purified soul) strives for this. The doors of happiness are closed, and you cannot find the harmony you seek except by worshiping the Lord.


Maintaining cleanliness is a duty as stated in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet.

Allah Ta’ala said: «O you who believe! When starting the prayer, wash your face, hands up to the elbows, rub your head, wash your feet up to the ankles, if you become impure, be clean…» (Surah 5, verse 6);

"…and clean your clothes…» (Sura 74, verse 4);

"…indeed, Allah loves those who repent and purify themselves» (Sura «Cow», verse 222).

Our Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him): «Cleanliness is half of faith» (Muslim). In this case, «faith» means prayer, and the reward for purification is half its reward, because a prayer that is not properly purified is invalid. Concern for human health and hygiene requires complete ablution after approaching Islam, pollution, menstruation, and postpartum bleeding. There are also types of desired complete ablution: on holidays, for ihram, on Friday. Islam has made it obligatory to perform ablution, without which the prayer will not be correct. A person performs this ablution five or more times a day. It is the care of cleanliness and appearance that a person receives from his Lord. Inner purity, by sincerely repenting of every sin – including shirk, doubt, short-sightedness, hatred, deceit, arrogance, lust, doing good to show off to others, seeking fame, etc. In order to be cleansed from these sins, one must have intention, love for goodness, honesty, modesty, and a willingness to do any deed only for the sake of God, and as for external cleanliness, it is carried out by cleaning the body, clothes and the place where a person is from all dirty and impure things with the help of water, if there is no water or if it cannot be used for some reason, then it should be cleaned with clean sand (tayammmum). It is good for a Muslim to keep his body, clothes, house and places where he meets other people clean at all times, as well as try to eat clean food and drink, burn incense and take care of his hair. formula for keeping dishes clean: water + salt + soda + citric acid. It is very important to pay attention to cleanliness on Fridays, before the general prayer and on holidays, because the Prophet (pbuh): Verily, Allah is beautiful, and He loves (everything) beautiful. A Muslim should always behave with dignity. For example, he should keep the streets clean, not throw garbage anywhere, and not only cause inconvenience to people, but also remove everything that hinders them, because our Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: "…and if he removes an obstacle on the way, it is equal to charity will be…» (Al-Bukhari). This is one of the branches of faith, may God’s blessings and peace be upon him, as the truthful and trustworthy Prophet (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: «Iman includes more than seventy (or: sixty) branches, the best of them. Among them is to say the words «There is no god but Allah», and the smallest thing is to avoid things that harm (people), and shame is one of the branches of faith» (Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Any child knows the basic rules of hygiene from childhood: he washes his face, takes a shower, washes his hands and brushes his teeth before eating. But every adult can’t react appropriately to the reality around us and protect himself from mental trauma and pain, if he doesn’t understand how to maintain his mental health and what Soul Hygiene is, most people were usually able to cope with this only on an external level, and what is happening on the inner plane? I am talking mainly about the emotional and physical levels. Because problems at the physical level (illness, poor sleep, lack of appetite, etc.) arise as a result of imbalances at the emotional level. in modern times, a person has to face a large amount of information, emotional load, stress, nervous tension, anxiety, fear and other stimuli every day. Emotions affect a person’s body and mind, thus affecting almost every aspect of their existence. This, in turn, affects our relationship with other people, our attitude to events, life tasks, and evaluation of our actions, every day these garbage emotions settle inside us, what to do with it? it is important not to abandon the inner world, to ignore its needs, to devote time to mental hygiene every day. Simple steps will help you do the following:

1) Timely removal of garbage

*On the body level (physical level): morning contrast shower; bath or sauna; different types of massage; moderate physical activity (sports, fitness, yoga); Diet (or fasting)

*At the emotional level: release of penalty anger and rage («environmentally friendly» ways); learn to forgive others; we share the «bag» of inner suffering; Experiencing all the blocked feelings

2) Try not to collect garbage as much as possible

* At the level of the body (physical level): drink as clean water as possible; moderate and healthy diet; to remove alcohol and nicotine; Routine and sleep etc. we try to guide.

*On an emotional level: learn to recognize and manage our feelings, not to talk harshly or mean things and communicate safely with others, learn to distinguish between our own needs; we stop accepting (digital hygiene) and waiting for any information (as it is) and act; we learn to cry (my family movies or cartoons, theater); we try to solve problems as they arise, we don’t run away from them or act like someone who ignores them; we establish our own psychological boundaries, we do not allow cruel people to violate them, we do not allow ourselves to be used, deceived, seduced, tempted; we have good thoughts about other people, if in doubt, we keep distance.

The rules may seem simple, but they require some effort, in any case, you will have to change your daily habits, reset your thinking and attitude to life. It is important to start these changes with the understanding that you need to practice personal hygiene regularly and make time for it every day. Try to spend at least 30—40 minutes every day on internal cleaning, engage in self-analysis (reflect), often ask yourself questions: what worries me, what I feel, what I really want. Be true to yourself, don’t lie. True answers are steps to another life. Put a STRICT SORT (FILTRATION) on your brain, and tomorrow you will drink water from the Kausar spring in Paradise.


I do not say that external beauty is vanity, but again I have to use the word EXIT THE LIMIT.

I have always believed that inner beauty is the most important thing in life. I have noticed many times that people only judge each other based on their appearance, but how true is that? According to statistics, most people pay attention to appearance first. It can give us information about a person’s age, status, social status. Appearance can attract our attention and interest without knowing a person. Many people believe that external beauty is a guarantee of success in their career and personal life. Researchers say that beautiful people are more likely to have more opportunities and more attention to themselves than unattractive people. But how much does appearance really matter? Because beauty is not an eternal gift, it fades with time. And what about after that? I believe that real beauty is the inner state of a person. Inner beauty is character, worldview, moral and ethical principles. These qualities can shape the personality and make a person really attractive in the eyes of others. Inner beauty is a benefit that allows a person to be spiritually rich, to show love, kindness, compassion and support to others. Having inner beauty, can make a great impression on other people and be a source of inspiration for them. «So, what is more important, inner or outer beauty?». I think both are important, but each plays a different role in our lives. External beauty may attract attention, but it does not guarantee long-term relationship or career success. At the same time, inner beauty can determine how we relate to other people, how they treat us. Of course, appearance is also important, especially in our society, first impressions are very important. but I think the most important thing is to surround yourself with people who truly value you. inner beauty that allows for deep connection and impact on other people’s lives.

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Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
12 noyabr 2023
Yozilgan sana:
80 Sahifa 1 tasvir
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