Hajm 727 sahifalar
2024 yil
Kitob haqida
The author's ability to reveal to the reader the essence of many incomprehensible natural phenomena in a confidential manner not only captivates, but also allows you to touch the fundamental laws of natural science. It teaches you to find answers to many questions that sometimes haunt you from childhood. The openness and accessibility of information motivates us to develop, to further search for solutions to issues that arise in our lives in one way or another. Dream, set goals, the most fantastic, think about them, strive for them and, believe me, they will definitely come true.
Probably, many of you have wondered why in real life everything we see around us is created "this way, and not otherwise"? And could any of this not have happened at all? And, if so, what influences the course of all these global events? And do we need to know about this if we are not able to control their development or disintegration? Is it given to us, ordinary people, to understand the essence of " God's providence"? When in everyday life we rarely ask ourselves the questions of who we are,