«Галаад» kitobidan iqtiboslar

But I’ve developed a great reputation for wisdom by ordering more books than I ever had time to read, and reading more books, by far, than I learned anything useful from, except, of course, that some very tedious gentlemen have written books. This is not a new insight, but the truth of it is something you have to experience to fully grasp.

It was to the effect that you can assert the existence of something;—Being — having not the slightest notion of what it is. Then God is at a greater remove altogether if God is the Author of Existence, what can it mean to say God exists? There’s a problem in vocabulary. He would have to have had a character before existence which the poverty of our understanding can only call existence. That is clearly a source of confusion. Another term would be needed to describe a state or quality of which we can have no experience whatever, to which existence as we know it can bear only the slightest likeness or affinity. So creating proofs from experience of any sort is like building a ladder to the moon. It seems that it should be possible, until you stop to consider the nature of the problem.

So my advice is this — don’t look for proofs. Don’t bother with them at all. They are never sufficient to the question, and they’re always a little impertinent, I think, because they claim for God a place within our conceptual grasp. And they will likely sound wrong to you even if you convince someone else with them. That is very unsettling over the long term. “Let your works so shine before men,” etc. It was Coleridge who said Christianity is a life, not a doctrine, words to that effect. I’m not saying never doubt or question. The Lord gave you a mind so that you would make honest use of it. I’m saying you must be sure that the doubts and questions are your own, not, so to speak, the mustache and walking stick that happen to be the fashion of any particular moment.

There are two insidious notions, from the point of view of Christianity in the modern world. (No doubt there are more than two, but the others will have to wait.) One is that religion and religious experience are illusions of some sort (Feuerbach, Freud, etc.), and the other is that religion itself is real, but your belief that you participate in it is an illusion. I think the second of these is the more insidious, because it is religious experience above all that authenticates religion, for the purposes of the individual believer.

Calvin says somewhere that each of us is an actor on a stage and God is the audience. That metaphor has always interested me, because it makes us artists of our behavior, and the reaction of God to us might be thought of as aesthetic rather than morally judgmental in the ordinary sense.

These days there are so many people who think loyalty to religion is benighted, if it is not worse than benighted. I am aware of that, and I know the charges that can be brought against the churches are powerful. And I know, too, that my own experience of the church has been, in many senses, sheltered and parochial. In every sense, unless it really is a universal and transcendent life, unless the bread is the bread and the cup is the cup everywhere, in all circumstances, and it is a time with the Lord in Gethsemane that comes for everyone, as I deeply believe.

Finally Boughton said, “Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.” And really, it was that night as if the earth were smoldering. Well, it was, and it is. An old fire will make a dark husk for itself and settle in on its core, as in the case of this planet. I believe the same metaphor may describe the human individual, as well. Perhaps Gilead. Perhaps civilization.

Куда бы ты ни посмотрел, мир может засиять, словно прошел через преображение. Тебе и пальцем не нужно для этого пошевелить, лишь проявить готовность это увидеть. Только у кого хватит смелости открыть на это глаза?

Мы улетаем, забытые, словно сны, оставляя этот забывчивый мир позади, и он топчет, уродует и перемещает все, что когда-то было нам дорого.Так уж заведено, и это удивительно.

Проступок никогда не бывает один.Бывает рана в плоти человеческой жизни, которая рубцуется, когда заживет, а зачастую не заживает вовсе.

...почти каждому из нас есть кого почитать. Для ребенка это родители, для родителя – ребенок. Я глубоко уважаю тебя за несгибаемый характер и доброту души, да и твоя мать любит тебя от всего сердца и невероятно гордится тобой. Она пестовала почти каждое мгновение твоей жизни и любит тебя так же, как Господь, до мозга костей. Так что речь идет о воздаянии должного ребенку. Ты видишь, как богоугодно любить само бытие другого человека. Твое существование приносит нам радость. Надеюсь, тебе никогда не придется алкать появления ребенка, как это было со мной, зато какое счастье я испытал, когда ты наконец родился. И вот уже почти семь лет я ощущаю милость Господа, ибо он дал мне возможность наслаждаться общением с тобой все это время.А вот обязанность отдавать дань уважения родителям, я полагаю, должна быть закреплена в Заповедях, ибо родитель являет собой большую тайну и в некоторым смысле предстает как незнакомец.

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Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
15 fevral 2017
Tarjima qilingan sana:
Yozilgan sana:
290 Sahifa 1 tasvir
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Издательство АСТ
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