«Little women. Маленькие женщины. Адаптированная книга на английском» kitobidan iqtiboslar

“It’s sad that some girls have everything,

best wishes to Mr. March. Chapter 17

“What’s the use of* looking pretty if no one sees it, only my sisters?”

group of pale hungry children trying to get warm with one blanket.

Everyone called her boyish, and she was

“But we have mother and father, and each other,” said Beth.

No lime candies or you will

Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents," said Jo.

Christmas won't be Christmas without any presents

No lime candies or you will be punished!” said Mr. Devis.

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Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
25 mart 2020
Yozilgan sana:
33 Sahifa 1 tasvir
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