Faqat Litresda o'qing

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The Dreams In The Witch-House

Hajm 60 sahifalar


The Dreams In The Witch-House

Faqat Litresda o'qing

Kitobni fayl sifatida yuklab bo'lmaydi, lekin bizning ilovamizda yoki veb-saytda onlayn o'qilishi mumkin.

Kitob haqida

The story follows Walter Gilman, who takes a room in the Witch House, an accursed house in Akham, Lovecraft's fictional New England town. The house once harbored Keziah Mason, an witch who disappeared mysteriously from a Salem jail in 1692. Gilman discovers that over the centuries most of its occupants have died prematurely. In his dreams while at the house, Gilman travels to the city of Elder Things and communes with the evil witch and her henchmen.

Izoh qoldiring

Kirish, kitobni baholash va sharh qoldirish
Kitob Говарда Филлипса Лавкрафта «The Dreams In The Witch-House» — veb-saytda onlayn o'qing. Fikr va sharhlar qoldiring, sevimlilarga ovoz bering.
Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
04 dekabr 2014
60 Sahifa 1 tasvir
Mualliflik huquqi egasi:
Public Domain