Hajm 55 sahifalar
2023 yil
Gagarin is the mystery of the mission
Kitob haqida
The desire to learn new things gave rise to intelligence. The intellect began to accumulate and use the known to explore the unknown. However, there were always limits to what was known, to what could be known. This boundary was the same unknown and was called differently by everyone, although everyone understood something the same, something supernatural, divine. It beckoned, it frightened, it forced to develop intellect, and with its help everything that was necessary to cognize the unknown. The only thing that remained unchanged was the spirit, the power of will, which, bringing down to... Keyingisi
This book is a sparkling ocean of energy and intelligence, with a thick layer of mystery to work behind to uncover its essence. Although, no one can take off on a skid to immerse themselves in its pages, and one can't just plop down from the get-go and expect easy immersion, it is well worth the effort.
The intricate and unpredictable structure of this literary masterpiece, like the weave of a "quantum wizard", creates a truly clever blend of science fiction, space opera, adventure novel and philosophical prose wrapped in fantasy.
Книга для тех, для кого важен не только сюжет, но и научно-фантастическая составляющая. В введении автор даёт экскурс характерный для нонфикшен. Гг Рутра, как и ожидается, попадает в переплёт, и следить за его перепитиями достаточно интересно.
На английском языке читается хорошо.
The book is for those, who appreciates not only the plot but also the science-fiction component. In the introduction, the author provides the... Keyingisi
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