Елена Лаптева

4 ta obunachi
Yangi kitoblar, audiokitoblar, podkastlar haqida bildirishnomalar yuboramiz


merchant, to admire, jealous, pride, fortune, eminent, to propose, to marry, duke, earl, civilly, to court, excepting, poverty, to deserve, extremely, misfortune.

Лучшие скороговорки для развития речи

O'rtacha reyting 3,1, 21 ta baholash asosida

– вертикультяп. Могу вертикультяпнуться, могу вывертикультяпнуться.

Бомбардир бонбоньерками бомбардировал барышень.

Well, when they had all eaten, they began playing games with the bones, tossing them one to another. One little leg-bone fell close to the closet door, and the farmer was so afraid that the pixies should come there and find him in their search for the bone, that he put out his hand and picked it up. Then he saw the king stand on the table and say, ‘Gather the bones!’

Я вот сейчас, к примеру, два часа отчаивалась... с вареньем и сладкими булочками.Белая Королева.