Kitobning davomiyligi 33 daqiqa
The adventures of Levko. Fairy tale
Kitob haqida
Victoria Zonova is a modern Russian writer, psychologist and illustrator of books for children. She creates fascinating therapeutic fairy tales with love and a subtle understanding of the child's psyche. In her fairy tales, good miracles seem real, and the main characters are always children. Victoria is a mother of three children. And the eldest son inspired her to write this book. A fairy tale about the adventures of a boy and a cat. This fairy tale will teach friendship, courage and resourcefulness. Read with your children, plunging into the magical world of fantasy.
Читала дочке электронную книгу на русском языке, ей очень понравилась сказка. Теперь приобрела аудио на английском, чтоб любимые герои дочки Левкой и Шустрик помогали ей осваивать язык легче.
Алла В, спасибо за отзыв и оценку =)
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