Love Catharsis

Kitobning davomiyligi 30 мин.

2023 yil


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Love Catharsis

Love Catharsis

26 725,76 soʻm
10% chegirma bering
Maslahat bering ushbu kitobni do'stingiz sotib olganidan 2 672,58 soʻm oling.

Kitob haqida

Simon and Mary love each other. He waits for hours at the window for her return from work. She monitors his health and diet. Their literary tastes coincide, and together they spend long evenings reading books. Their idlily is broken by a certain character named Vergenius who is offering tickets to the musical and throwing French words. Simon is responsible for his happiness and does not want to share the attention of his queen. In the name of love, he is ready for any sacrifice. But does Mary need such sacrifices from the cat? Короткий рассказ на английском яызке для всех, кто изучает язык и развивает словарный запас.

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Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
12 sentyabr 2023
Yozilgan sana:
30 мин. 23 сек.
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