Основной контент книги Племя Сиург

Kitobning davomiyligi 30 daqiqa


Племя Сиург

Matn bilan sinxronizasiyalash
13 007,89 s`om
10% chegirma bering
Maslahat bering ushbu kitobni do'stingiz sotib olganidan 1 300,79 soʻm oling.

Kitob haqida

«– Эли Стар! Эли Стар! – вскрикнул бородатый молодой крепыш, стоя на берегу.

Стар вздрогнул и, спохватившись, двинул рулем. Лодка описала дугу, ткнувшись носом в жирный береговой ил…»

В аудиокниге использованы звуки и эмбиенты из свободной библиотеки https://sonniss.com/

А также музыка из свободной библиотеки https://musopen.org/ которые разрешают использование звуков и музыки без упоминания авторства и авторских отчислений.



This EULA is a legal agreement between yourself (the Licensee) and Sonniss, the

Licensor. In this Agreement, the party who is granting the right to use the

licensed sound effects will be referred to as “Licensor” or “Sonniss”, and the

party who is receiving the right to use the licensed sound effects will be referred

to as “Licensee”. Before downloading and using any of the sound effects, you

will be asked to agree to these Terms. If you refuse to accept these Terms, you

will be kindly asked not to use any of the sound effects.


Upon downloading and using this sound effects collection, the Licensor grants

the Licensee, a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use all or any

of the sound effects in accordance with the terms and conditions laid out in this



a) Licensee may use the licensed sound effects on an unlimited number of projects for

the entirety of their lifetime.

b) Licensee may use and modify the licensed sound effects for personal and commercial

projects without attribution to the original creator.

c) Licensee may publicly perform a reproduction of the sound effects over any form of


d) Licensee may use the licensed sound effects for the purposes of synchronization with

audio and visual projects the Licensee is involved with, which includes but is not limited

to: games, films, television & interactive projects.


Other than the license rights granted in this agreement, all right, title and interest

in the sound effects contained within this collection, is and shall always remain

the property of their respective copyright holders.


Licensee and Licensor hereby agree to indemnify each other from, and against

any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, causes of action, damages,

liabilities, charges and expenses, including attorneys fees incurred by each

party with respect to any matter that arises as a result of any claim that the

Licensed sound effects infringe or violate any rights of any third party or any

breach of this agreement.


a) Licensee may not modify any of the sound effects with intent to claim

authorship of the original recording.Licensee may use the licensed sound effects

on an unlimited number of projects for the entirety of their lifetime.

b)Licensee may not sell any of the sound effects as they come. (Although the

sound effects may be sold as incorporated into the licensee project).


For clarity and avoidance of doubt, the Licensee is expressly prohibited from using any

sound effects licensed under this Agreement for the purpose of training artificial

intelligence technologies. This includes, but is not limited to, technologies capable of

generating sound effects or works in a similar style or genre as the licensed sound

effects. The Licensee shall not use, reproduce, or otherwise leverage the licensed

sound effects in any manner for purposes of developing, training, or enhancing

artificial intelligence technologies, nor sublicense these rights to any third party,

without the Licensor’s specific and express written permission.


Licensor shall not be liable for any loss of business or business profits, business

interruption, or any other form of direct or indirect loss resulting directly or

indirectly from the use of any of the licensed sound effects.


These Terms are to be governed by and interpreted according to English law. This

means a Contract for the purchase of sound effects libraries through Sonniss, and any

dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with it or these Terms will be governed by

English law. All disputes arising under them will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of

the English courts.

This is a binding legal agreement between you (the Licensees), and us (the Licensor).

By purchasing and using any of the sound effects libraries from Sonniss constitutes the

acceptance of these terms. Each of the paragraphs of these Terms operates separately.

If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining

paragraphs will remain in full force and effect.


Sonniss LTD warrants that it has full authority to license and distribute all of the

sound effects under the terms of this agreement and that our products do not

infringe on the rights of any third party.

Anyone found breaching this agreement will be subject to criminal and civil

penalties and liable for monetary damages.

Boshqa versiyalar

1 kitob

Очень нравится прочтение Александра Соколова.

Такие истории хорошо читать в юности, когда ещё не имеешь представления о мире. После 30-ти такое уже не интересно:)

Kirish, kitobni baholash va sharh qoldirish
Audiokitob Александра Грина «Племя Сиург» — MP3 formatida yuklab oling yoki onlayn tinglang.
Yosh cheklamasi:
Litresda chiqarilgan sana:
04 dekabr 2024
30 daqiqa 06 sek.
Mualliflik huquqi egalari:
ЛитРес: чтец, Александр Соколов
Yuklab olish formati:
O'rtacha reyting 5, 3 ta baholash asosida
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O'rtacha reyting 4,8, 39 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 4,8, 46 ta baholash asosida
Matn PDF
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O'rtacha reyting 5, 1 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 0, 0 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 5, 2 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 5, 1 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 5, 1 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 5, 2 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 5, 1 ta baholash asosida
O'rtacha reyting 0, 0 ta baholash asosida