Kitobni o'qish: «The White Chief of the Caffres», sahifa 5


We had moved through the bush very quietly and slowly, stopping every now and then to listen, and also to look all round us; for if we had come on this elephant very suddenly he might have charged us, and, before we could have escaped, he might have caught us and probably killed one of us. Tembile told me that when an elephant caught a man, he pushed him to the ground with his trunk, and then either knelt on him or thrust his tusks into him, and also would push him down and get him between his front and hind feet, and kick him backwards and forwards till he killed him. So, with this description of the elephant’s proceedings, which I afterwards found was quite correct, we thought it best to be very cautious in our approach to the animal.

The sun had risen its highest in the sky, when we sat down to rest and to listen; for we knew that we were close to the elephant, as the footprints were quite fresh. We talked in whispers and avoided any noise, whilst we were on the alert for any sound that should indicate the whereabouts of the elephant. As we sat quietly thus waiting, Inyoni pointed upwards, and gave a grunt of delight: we looked up and saw a vulture slowly circling in the sky and nearly above us. “Elephant going to die,” said Inyoni; “vulture knows it.” We immediately followed on the elephant’s tracks, and, after advancing about two hundred paces, we heard a noise in front of us, and saw the elephant lying on its side, whilst every now and then it swung its trunk about and struck the bushes, thus making the noise we had heard. The elephant was dying, its vast frame overpowered by the subtle poison of the Bushman’s arrow. We kept at a short distance from the animal and watched it, as it gradually got weaker and weaker, and at length lay motionless. We then went close up to it, and found that it really was dead. It was a monster with great tusks as big round as my thigh, and as it lay on the ground it was far higher than I was as I stood up.

“The other elephant must be dead too,” I said, “for I hit that also with an arrow.”

“Yes,” replied my companions, “and we shall find that too: perhaps vultures will show us where it is, if we watch.”

We now agreed that Tembile should go as quickly as he could to our village, and call all the people to come and cut up the elephant, whilst Inyoni and I kept watch near it. So Tembile started off, whilst we who remained agreed to sleep turn and turn about, as we were both very tired.

I had a good sleep, and then Inyoni lay down whilst I kept watch. I could not keep my eyes from the dead elephant which lay a few paces from us. It looked such an enormous creature, that I could hardly believe its death had been caused by so trifling a wound as that given by the small arrow; but the poison used by the Bushmen is powerful beyond belief, and they kill all animals with their arrows.

As I sat listening for any sounds of the approaching Caffres, I heard a slight crack in the bush, then another and a louder crack; and I knew these noises must be caused by elephants, for the Caffres glide through the bush without making any noise. I awoke Inyoni, and we were soon convinced that the elephants were approaching us. My companion was alarmed, as he seemed to think the elephants were hunting us in order to revenge themselves on us. We crept through the bush to a large tree, and climbed this quickly, getting up so high that no elephant could reach us.

We had reached our place of safety, when we saw the first elephant approaching us: this was a cow, and it was following the track of the bull that was now dead. After this cow came about forty other elephants of various sizes. They came along with a sort of shuffling gait, stopping every now and then to listen and sniff the air, and then to move forward again. When they came to the spot where we had sat down, they smelt the ground, and then raising their trunks sniffed all round. Their attention, however, was soon attracted to the dead elephant, which they approached and touched with their trunks, several of them uttering sharp cries as though they wished to wake him. After a few minutes, however, they seemed to know that he was dead, as they moved away from him and stood looking at him, whilst they flapped their great ears and seemed very uneasy. Suddenly, as though suspicious of danger, the large cow-elephant uttered a shrill trumpet and dashed off through the bush, recklessly smashing the small trees and branches in her course. She was followed by the whole herd, and we could hear them as they forced their way through the underwood, the sounds becoming fainter and less audible until all was again quiet.

We remained in our tree, for we could not tell whether more elephants might not come, and on the ground we were in danger. All was quiet, however, for a long time, until we heard the slightest movement of some leaves; and then we saw Tembile, followed by Inyati and all the men and boys of our village. We whistled to them, and, descending the tree, told them what we had seen. We talked in whispers and then went up to the dead elephant and examined it. The reed portion of my arrow had been broken off, but the barb containing the poison was buried deep in the elephant’s flesh, and thus the poison had circulated rapidly and had caused the monster’s death.

Inyati with his assagy at once cut out this barb and a large portion of the flesh round it, and he then said we might safely eat the remainder of the animal, which would not be affected by the poison.

A scene was then commenced which I shall remember to my last day. About twenty Caffres set to work at the elephant, cutting the flesh off, and piling it in heaps near the animal, by the aid of hatchets; the tusks were cut out of the elephant’s jaws, and were so heavy that one man could only just lift one. It took a comparatively short time to cut the animal to pieces, and to take off all its flesh, which was then divided into portions, the boys being given small weights to carry, whilst the men took larger and heavier weights. We then commenced our march through the bush, and before sunset we reached our village, at which we were received with shouts of rejoicing by the old men and females. Notice had been sent to the next village that another elephant was supposed to be dead, and the men of that village had watched the vultures, and had succeeded in finding the second elephant lying dead in the bush, and had cut this one up in the same manner as we had done with the first elephant I had killed. Elephant’s flesh, although tough and unsavoury, is still eaten greedily by the Caffres. They are so fond of their cattle, and like to see a large herd near their kraals, that they will not kill an animal unless on some special occasion, such as a marriage, or a victory; so that a feast of flesh is a rare treat, and there is not usually any complaint about the toughness or want of flavour of the meat. As it was usual to have a great dance and general feast when any such event as slaying an elephant had occurred, invitations were sent to all the kraals near, to invite the neighbours to partake of the elephant’s flesh.

Before the evening on which the feast was to occur, there had assembled nearly all the Caffres from ten miles round. There were some fine fellows among them, several young men six feet high, and as active as leopards, who could run ten miles without stopping, and who could walk from sunrise till sunset without tiring. They all brought their assagies, and shields, as well as their knob-kerries, and were dressed in their dancing dresses.

News was also brought us about the elephants. There was now no fear of their destroying the gardens, as they had again taken up their residence in the forests about Natal. This was good news to all the Caffres about us, and was celebrated by one of the largest dances I had ever seen. There were more than a thousand men assembled, all in full war-costume, each with a shield, a knob-kerrie, and five assagies. They danced and ate, and danced again and ate again, during the whole night. To me was given the honour and glory of having killed the elephants, and I had to enter the centre of the ring of men, and describe and act the whole scene. I told how we climbed the tree; how I heard the elephants coming; how I sent my arrow first into one then into the other elephant; how these elephants paid no attention to so small a thing as an arrow, fired by me, a boy; but how this arrow was stronger than the elephant, and at last killed him. I went through all the movements of creeping through the bush on the track of the elephant, sitting down to listen, and at length seeing the elephant. I then lay on the ground just as did the elephant, and swung my arm about to imitate the movements of the animal’s trunk, and at length died just as did the elephant.

The shouts and dancing after this performance were of the most exciting description, and lasted for a long time. When, suddenly, a very old chief came into the centre of the circle, and raising his arm to command silence, spoke in a loud clear voice words of which the following is a translation: —

“My people, we have been delivered from the elephants; the elephants that have often destroyed our corn, and brought us to starvation. And how have we been delivered? Not by two hundred warriors armed with assagies, many of whom were killed by the elephants; not by digging holes, and the elephants tumbling into them; but there have been two large elephants killed by our white companion who came out of the sea. He alone thought out of his own head how to kill the elephants, and though very young, has the mind of an experienced chief and the courage of a warrior. We have held a council and have decided that he be from this time forth a chief, and that he be called ‘Umkunkinglovu.’ What say you, men?”

A tremendous shout was given by the assembled crowd at the termination of this speech; and then one of the oldest warriors came into the ring, and placed round my neck a necklace made out of leopards’ claws, whilst all the men called out “Inkosi!” The dancing and feasting were then continued till the first sign of daylight appeared, when we all retired to our kraals to rest.

On the following morning I met the old warrior who had put the necklace on me, and sat down talking to him. He was very anxious to hear where I had come from, and was much interested in the accounts I gave him of India. He was puzzled to know how it was possible that our ships found their way over the sea. There were no paths, he said, and the waves were always altering their shape, so that he could not tell how they got on. I told him that the men found their way by the sun and stars, but this he could not comprehend. After some time I asked him to tell me all he knew about his own people, and where they came from. He thought for some time, and then gave me the following account. Spreading his two hands on the ground he lifted the little finger of his left hand and said, “That me.” He then raised the next finger and said, “That my father.” He then raised the next and said, “That his father;” and so he went on, to the thumb of the left hand, giving father after father. “All these lived here,” he said. Then he raised the thumb of his right hand, and said, “That father lived in Zulu country, and quarrelled with great chief there, and came down here.”

“But how did those other fathers live?” I enquired.

He raised four more fingers, and pointing to the last said, “That father live other side of the sun.”

By this, I have since learned that he meant the other side of the equator, or up near Somali.

“That father and all his people have great fight; too many people there, so they come down slowly, and at last live in Zulu country. Those fathers had strange animals that they used to ride on, and which went as fast as an ostrich, but all these died as they came down country.”

I understood from this that he meant his people formerly owned horses.

“Then,” he continued, “we break up, some stop one place, some another – we come here.”

The old chief thus made out ten fathers, and, taking four generations for a hundred, it made out that, about 250 years previously, the Caffres must have resided not far from Nubia.

Two days after our feast all the Caffre visitors had gone home, and we had settled down again to our usual quiet life.

Chapter Seven

I must now pass over three years of my residence amongst the Caffres; for although I had several adventures with wild animals, and my career was full of interest, yet the events that occurred were very similar to those which I have already related. The free, independent life I led, the perpetual outdoor exercise, and the fine climate, had so agreed with me that I had grown to be quite a young man. I was strong for my age, tall, and very active. There were only two Caffres in the country who could run faster than I could; and although I could not throw an assagy as far as some of the Caffres, yet my aim was good, and several times I had hit a running buck with one of my assagies, when the animal was forty yards from me.

It was at this date that news reached us which caused the greatest alarm. The Zulu country was about three days’ journey from us, that is, about 140 miles. The chief who ruled over the Zulus was named Chaka. He was a man never satisfied unless he was at war with some other tribe; and as he had trained a very large army to fight skilfully, he always gained a victory over those he attacked, and consequently was able to appropriate the cattle of the tribes he had conquered. Of all the chiefs in South Africa none were as powerful, and as much feared as Chaka. For he would not always wait for a cause before he attacked a tribe. It was provocation enough for him if another nation were rich in cattle. He considered that no one ought to be rich but he. So he would assemble his army, often without letting them know what he intended them to do. Then he would march off, and suddenly attack and destroy a tribe who had no suspicion that anything was intended against them.

The Caffres who lived near Natal Bay, and the Umlass river, were always on the alert. For they feared Chaka, and suspected that he would attack them some day.

Our tribe near the Umzimvubu were on very friendly terms with the Caffres near the Umlass, and it was agreed that if Chaka attacked them we should help them, and send as many fighting men as possible to aid them. We knew that if the Caffres near the Umlass were eaten up, it would only be a matter of time before our turn would come. If we allowed Chaka to attack each tribe separately his victory would be easy, but if we joined we should give him some trouble. The probability of Chaka coming down to attack us was a subject often discussed in our kraals, and also the best plan of defence. We knew that we should be outnumbered, and that therefore it would not do to meet his warriors in the open country. We must endeavour, by skill and stratagem, to make up what we wanted in numbers. With this end in view our men were always practising throwing the assagy, and the knob-kerrie, and also constantly running long distances, so as to be in good training. It was fortunate that these precautions had been taken, or our own tribe would have been destroyed.

One day the news was brought us that Chaka was assembling his army, and it was believed that he intended attacking the Caffres near Natal. The news was shouted from hill to hill, and spread rapidly over the country. A council was called, and on the same day that the news had arrived, about five thousand men had assembled near our kraal, each armed with assagies, knob-kerries and shield.

There was a great deal of talking amongst the chiefs, and the plan to be adopted for defence was long and eloquently discussed. It was decided that our little army was to travel at once to near the Umlass river, and join with the people there. The coast near the sea was densely wooded, and in many places was hilly, whilst several rivers twisted about amongst wide reedy banks; and amidst such country we should have a better chance with the Zulus, than we should have in the open country.

Before we started on our journey, I spoke to Inyati, and asked him to let me have twenty men whom I should select, and also that all the guns should be given over to me and my men. I had managed to get possession of a small barrel of gunpowder that had been saved from the wreck, and also some lead. This lead I melted and dropped into water, so as to form small pieces of lead like slugs. I made up nearly a hundred rounds of cartridges, with the aid of small skins cut from buck and other small animals; and with these precautions, I fancied I could do a great deal when it came to a fight. Among those I selected for my little company were Inyoni and Tembile, who I knew would follow me anywhere; in fact all the men I selected had full confidence in me, for never before had any boy (as I really was) done as much as I had.

Our march was commenced on the second day after our council, and we presented a formidable appearance. There were about five thousand men, all fine-looking, active fellows, full of confidence, and, in spite of the formidable reputation of Chaka’s warriors, ready to meet them in battle.

It occupied two days to reach the Umlass river, where we were met by some hundred chiefs, councillors, and head men from the villages near.

The plan that had been adopted for our march was to send on in advance a number of women and boys, each carrying a large basket full of mealies. These were deposited at the end of our first day’s march. The women and boys then collected as much corn as they could procure from the villages near them, and went on another day’s march, so we had plenty to eat on the journey.

The chiefs at the Umlass were very glad to see us, and were quite astonished when they beheld me. They asked all sorts of questions about me, and treated me with the greatest respect. I knew quite well how to behave with the dignity of a chief, and I soon impressed the visitors with my importance. They had heard of the power of my guns, and seemed terribly afraid of them, and looked at them with great awe. I told them that I could easily kill a man at the distance of three throws of an assagy, a statement that Inyati corroborated.

We heard from these chiefs that Chaka might come down upon us any day, and that he would try to surprise us; but that men were on the look-out beyond the Umganie, and runners were placed at various points to convey the news and signal when the enemy came in sight. The army of these Umlass Caffres was concealed in the bush along the coast, and amounted to nearly 8,000 men; whilst the cattle had been driven westward, and concealed in places from which it would be most difficult to drive them.

Our army was placed on a hill west of the Umlass river, which river opens into a wide bay near the mouth; and to attack us on this hill would entail great loss on the enemy.

We lay down to rest after our march, and slept; for it was a practice among these Caffres to sleep as much as possible before any great work, as they seemed to think that men could lay in a stock of sleep which would be of use to them two or three days afterwards. I am inclined to believe that this idea was correct, and that by sleeping a great deal during three or four days, we can go the next three or four days with scarcely any sleep.

The third day after our arrival at the Umlass, runners came from the east bringing the intelligence that the Zulu army, as numerous as a flight of locusts, had crossed the Tugela, and were spreading down the country. Quick as were the movements of this army, the Caffres in the country were equally rapid in their movements, and more than 3,000 men joined us, and several thousand cattle were driven across the Umlass river, and secreted in the bushy country to the west of it.

Umnini, a chief who lived near the head of Natal Bay, had the chief command of the whole army, whilst Inyati had command of the men who came from the Umzimvubu district. There had been several consultations between Umnini, Inyati, and other chiefs, as to the best method of defending the country, and a plan was arranged which was well thought out and carefully planned.

The course which it was thought the Zulus would follow, was on the open country about five miles from the coast; they must, however, pass through a portion of the bush near the Umbilo river at the head of Natal Bay, and it was here that our attack was to be made. Our plan was, to allow a certain portion of the army to pass through the bush; then to dash in, and separate this portion from the main body; keep the main body at bay whilst our men attacked those who had passed into the open beyond the bush.

During the various walks I had taken about the country, I had discovered a place that I at once selected as one suitable for my small party of twenty, in case we had to make a stand. It was a solid piece of ground like a rocky island in the middle of a large vlei or marsh. The marsh consisted of water and soft mud, so deep that a man would sink nearly to his shoulders in the mud. The island was surrounded by this mud for nearly 100 yards, and so was beyond the cast of an assagy. To secure a pathway to this island, I employed my men in cutting branches of trees and placing these in a line from the firm ground across the marsh to the island. It required a great many branches; but we worked hard, and at length made a foundation on which we could get to the island without sinking above our ankles. We had intelligence of the movements of the Zulu army, and knew just where they were each hour of the day; but our own army kept so carefully concealed, that not a man could be seen.

The Zulus evidently thought they were not likely to meet much opposition, and did not take the precaution of sending forward small parties to examine the ground in front, and feel for their enemies; so we hoped to surprise them.

All our arrangements were made to attack the Zulus when they had crossed the Umbilo river, which they did shortly after daybreak. They marched on, singing war-songs, and beating their shields, and entered the bush country; and when about 2,000 were out in the open beyond, about a thousand of our warriors rushed on the line, cut it in two; and half the party facing about, prevented those who had passed from retreating, whilst those who had been stopped found themselves unable to advance. With a shout that could be heard for miles, 5,000 of our warriors rushed out from their concealment and closed with the Zulus in the open. In spite of their discipline and training, the Zulus, thus overmatched, were soon broken and their slain covered the ground. The loss on our side in this encounter was small, though several men were wounded. In the meantime the fight in the bush-path was severe: not more than four or five men could stand abreast, so the numbers on the side of the Zulus were no great advantage. Our object was to prevent those behind from helping the party we had cut off in front. In a battle it is impossible for one person to describe what takes place in all parts of the field, so I will now confine my description to what occurred to my own party.

I believed that the Zulus were not acquainted with the fact that we had any firearms with us; and, consequently, that they would be much surprised when they heard the report of our guns, and saw the effect of our shot. I believed that, instead of beginning to fire at the early part of the battle, it would produce more effect if I waited until some critical period, and when, perhaps, our own side might require some special assistance. I had not very long to wait for such an event, as a large party of the Zulus had worked their way through the bush, and had formed up so as to attack our forces in rear, and at the time when they were broken and scattered after their victory over the two thousand Zulus. Seeing this party assembled, I called on my men to follow me, and ran down to within about two assagies’-cast from them. They awaited my coming, looking surprised to see so small a party attempt so daring a proceeding as to approach so close to them. Suddenly giving the word to my men, we turned and ran towards our island in the marsh, as though we were afraid. The result was just what I expected – the Zulus came full speed after us. All my men were splendid runners, so we reached our causeway and were on the island before a single Zulu had arrived at the edge of the marsh. The Zulus were not aware how soft and deep the mud was, nor did they know that the narrow causeway we had made was the only means of reaching the island; consequently several hundreds rushed into the vlei and were completely pounded, unable to advance or retreat. One of their leading chiefs, however, had seen where we had run across the vlei; so, assembling his men, he came over the causeway at a run, followed by some two hundred men. I allowed him to come almost within an assagy-throw’s distance, and then, aiming carefully with my gun, I shot him dead. Four or five other shots were fired by the men with me, and as many men fell dead. The result was that a panic seized these men, and they retreated; but our own people had now formed up, and were charging on the Zulus, and a terrible slaughter ensued. The men in the vlei were knocked on the head with stones or knob-kerries, and a second disaster befell the Zulu army. In the meantime, the Umlass Caffres, led by Umnini, had driven back a large force of Zulus, which had attempted to work round outside the bush and to outflank us. These men retreating, as also the few who had escaped from the first attack, led to a general rush among the Zulu army, who were not certain but what they might be attacked by a much larger force than their own. They knew they had been surprised, and they saw that our plans had been well arranged. This, together with the fact that our people possessed firearms, spread such alarm that they could not be made to attempt another attack. Our people followed up the retreat as far as the Umganie river, killing a large number more of the Zulus – and our victory was complete.

That night we had a great dance and a great feast, amidst which songs were sung descriptive of our various deeds during the day. We had placed our spies at different commanding positions, so as to give early intelligence in case the Zulu army recovered itself and again attacked us; but they did not attempt to do so, for they had captured several cattle up the country, which they drove into Zululand and claimed a victory over us. We heard that our tribe was the only one that had ever been able to stand against the Zulu army.

We had not gained our victory without loss, for the part of the Zulu army that we had cut off, although outnumbered, yet fought well, and killed more than two hundred of our men, whilst five or six hundred were wounded. The rapidity with which the wounded recovered was marvellous – a result due, I suppose, to their having lived almost entirely on vegetables and milk, and always being out in the open air.

Although there was much rejoicing on our return, there were also laments, because some of our bravest young men had been killed, and their relatives showed just as much regret at their loss as do the English when they lose a friend.

The scenes through which I had passed during my residence among these Caffres, had produced upon me the same effects as though I had lived three or four times as long. Although I was at an age when English boys are engrossed with tops, hoops, and marbles, and look upon a performance at football or cricket as something to make a boy famous, yet I had trapped a leopard, had killed an elephant and had now been engaged in a desperate fight and had aided to win the victory. These stern realities had aged me, and I felt confidence now both in myself and in the weapons I could use: I sat in the circle with the warriors, and had, after the battle, spoken before the assembled people. With the Intombis (young girls) I was a great favourite, and as some of these were very pretty, I liked to sit talking with them.

The life I now led was such as any boy might envy. I cannot imagine any of the pastimes, amusements, or excitements of civilisation that can compare with that which can be obtained in a life of nature. In the first place the climate was very good, never very cold and never very hot. Rains occurred in the autumn, but they were soon over and my kraal kept me dry. I had now several cows which supplied me with milk, ubisi, sweet fresh milk, and amasi, sour milk (like junket), which I preferred. What are now called mealies (Indian corn) were also plentiful, so that there was no want of food. These mealies we used to bury in large holes near our kraals. The holes were dug about ten feet deep, and about six feet in diameter. A fire was then lighted at the bottom, and from time to time we plastered the sides with mud, and then dried this with more fire, and so made a hard and dry hole; we buried the mealies in this and then arched the top of the hole by means of hurdles and turf, so that the water when it rained ran off the sort of roof: our mealies then kept dry and could be dug out when required. By means of various traps and snares that I set, I had caught several buck in the bush, and also some guinea-fowl. I clipped the wings of the guinea-fowl and kept them in an enclosure I had made of reeds, and now they had become quite tame, and I always had plenty of guinea-fowls’ eggs. Quail, too, used to come to this country in thousands during the autumn, and these we used to knock over with our knob-kerries. I had got quite accustomed to the absence of clothing; in fact, even now, I often feel uncomfortable and in a kind of prison when I have clothes on. I had killed several monkeys, out of the skins of which I had made myself tails to wear round my waist, and also round my neck. When the sun was very hot I carried some large banana leaves, which protected my head from the sun, and served as a parasol. Now, considering that I had no want of food, had nothing to do which I did not like, could go out hunting whenever I chose, was not bothered as boys are in civilised lands, I ought to have been very happy. I was happy; but I could not get over the feeling that I was away from my people, that my father must think I was dead, and my uncle, who intended being so kind to me, must also have given me up as lost. The ship in which I had embarked at Calcutta would be put down as one among the many “not since heard of.” I saw no chance, however, of ever again rejoining my relations; and, though I thought frequently of every possible chance of doing so, I could see no likely means of success. These Caffres had spared my life and taken me among them as one of themselves. They had behaved well and kindly to me, had rewarded me fairly for what I had done, and gave me the rank of a chief. If I eventually rose to be the paramount chief in this country I should be a king in a way: I should have the power of life and death over my subjects, and I thought I might be able to teach them many things which they now were ignorant of. When, however, I thought of their laws and customs I found it difficult to imagine what I should teach them to make them better than they were. I knew very little about religion, and did not feel equal to trying to teach it, because the chiefs were always reasoning about things that were told them, and did not understand believing things on faith.

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