Faqat Litresda o'qing

Kitobni fayl sifatida yuklab bo'lmaydi, lekin bizning ilovamizda yoki veb-saytda onlayn o'qilishi mumkin.

Kitobni o'qish: «The Lenâpé and their Legends», sahifa 8


The first sixteen verses record the gradual conquest of most of the Snake land. It seems to have required the successive efforts of six or seven head chiefs, one after another, to bring this about, probably but a small portion at a time yielding to the attacks of these enemies. Its position is described as being to the southwest, and in the interior of the country. Here they first learned to cultivate maize.

The remainder of the canto is taken up with a long list of chiefs, and with the removal of the tribe, in separate bands and at different times, to the east. In this journey from the Snake land to the east, they encountered and had long wars with the Talega. These lived in strong towns, but by the aid of the Hurons (Talamatans), they overcame them and drove them to the south.


Having conquered the Talegas, the Lenape possessed their land and that of the Snake people, and for a certain time enjoyed peace and abundance. Then occurred a division of their people, some, as Nanticokes and Shawnees, going to the south, others to the west, and later, the majority toward the east, arriving finally at the Salt sea, the Atlantic ocean. Thence a portion turned north and east, and encountered the Iroquois. Still later, the three sub-tribes of the Lenape settled themselves definitely along the Delaware river, and received the geographical names by which they were known, as Minsi, Unami and Unalachtgo (see ante, p. 36). They were often at war with the Iroquois, generally successfully. Rumors of the whites had reached them, and finally these strangers approached the river, both from the north (New York bay) and the south. Here the song closes.



1. Sayewi talli wemiguma wokgetaki,

2. Hackung kwelik owanaku wak yutali Kitanitowit-essop.

3. Sayewis hallemiwis nolemiwi elemamik Kitanitowit-es-sop.

4. Sohalawak kwelik hakik owak259 awasagamak.

5. Sohalawak gishuk nipahum alankwak.

6. Wemi-sohalawak yulik yuchaan.

7. Wich-owagan kshakan moshakwat260 kwelik kshipe-helep.

8. Opeleken mani-menak delsin-epit.

1. At first, in that place, at all times, above the earth,

2. On the earth, [was] an extended fog, and there the great Manito was.

3. At first, forever, lost in space, everywhere, the great Manito was.

4. He made the extended land and the sky.

5. He made the sun, the moon, the stars.

6. He made them all to move evenly.

7. Then the wind blew violently, and it cleared, and the water flowed off far and strong.

8. And groups of islands grew newly, and there remained

9. Lappinup Kitanitowit manito manitoak.

10. Owiniwak angelatawiwak chichankwak wemiwak.

11. Wtenk manito jinwis lennowak mukom.

12. Milap netami gaho owini gaho.

13. Namesik milap, tulpewik milap, awesik milap, cholensak milap.

14. Makimani shak sohalawak makowini nakowak amangamek.

9. Anew spoke the great Manito, a manito to manitos,

10. To beings, mortals, souls and all,

11. And ever after he was a manito to men, and their grandfather.

12. He gave the first mother, the mother of beings.

13. He gave the fish, he gave the turtles, he gave the beasts, he gave the birds.

14. But an evil Manito made evil beings only, monsters,

15. Sohalawak uchewak, sohala-wak pungusak.

16. Nitisak wemi owini w delsinewuap.

17. Kiwis, wunand wishimanitoak essopak

18. Nijini netami lennowak, ni goha netami okwewi nan tinewak.

19. Gattamin netami mitzi nijini nantine.

20. Wemi wingi-namenep, wemi ksin-elendamep, wemi wullatemanuwi.

21. Shukand eli-kimi mekenikink wakon powako init'ako.

15. He made the flies, he made the gnats.

16. All beings were then friendly.

17. Truly the manitos were active and kindly

18. To those very first men, and to those first mothers; fetched them wives,

19. And fetched them food, when first they desired it.

20. All had cheerful knowledge, all had leisure, all thought in gladness.

21. But very secretly an evil being, a mighty magician, came on earth,

22. Mattalogas pallalogas maktaton owagan payat-chik yutali.

23. Maktapan payat, wihillan payat, mboagan payat.

24. Won wemi wiwunch kamik atak kitahikan netamaki epit.

22. And with him brought badness, quarreling, unhappiness,

23. Brought bad weather, brought sickness, brought death.

24. All this took place of old on the earth, beyond the great tide-water, at the first.


1. Wulamo maskanako anup lennowak makowini essopak.

2. Maskanako shingalusit nijini essopak shawelendamep eken shingalan.

3. Nishawi palliton, nishawi machiton, nishawi matta lungundowin.

4. Mattapewi wiki nihanlowit mekwazoan.

1. Long ago there was a mighty snake and beings evil to men.

2. This mighty snake hated those who were there (and) greatly disquieted those whom he hated.

3. They both did harm, they both injured each other, both were not in peace.

4. Driven from their homes they fought with this murderer.

5. Maskanako gishi penauwelendamep lennowak owini palliton.

6. Nakowa petonep, amangam petonep, akopehella petonep.

7. Pehella pehella, pohoka pohoka, eshohok eshohok, palliton palliton.

8. Tulapit menapit Nanaboush maskaboush owinimokom linowimokom.

9. Gishikin-pommixin tulagis-hatten-lohxin.

10. Owini linowi wemoltin, Pehella gahani pommixin, Nahiwi tatalli tulapin.

5. The mighty snake firmly resolved to harm the men.

6. He brought three persons, he brought a monster, he brought a rushing water.

7. Between the hills the water rushed and rushed, dashing through and through, destroying much.

8. Nanabush, the Strong White One, grandfather of beings, grandfather of men, was on the Turtle Island.

9. There he was walking and creating, as he passed by and created the turtle.

10. Beings and men all go forth, they walk in the floods and shallow waters, down stream thither to the Turtle Island.

11. Amanganek makdopannek alendyuwek metzipannek.

12. Manito-dasin mokol-wichemap, Palpal payat payat wemichemap.

13. Nanaboush Nanaboush wemimokom, Winimokom linnimokom tulamokom.

14. Linapi-ma tulapi-ma tulapewi tapitawi.

15. Wishanem tulpewi pataman tulpewi poniton wuliton.

16. Kshipehelen penkwihilen, Kwamipokho sitwalikho, Maskan wagan palliwi palliwi.

11. There were many monster fishes, which ate some of them.

12. The Manito daughter, coming, helped with her canoe, helped all, as they came and came.

13. [And also] Nanabush, Nanabush, the grandfather of all, the grandfather of beings, the grandfather of men, the grandfather of the turtle.

14. The men then were together on the turtle, like to turtles.

15. Frightened on the turtle, they prayed on the turtle that what was spoiled should be restored.

16. The water ran off, the earth dried, the lakes were at rest, all was silent, and the mighty snake departed.


1. Pehella wtenk lennapewi tulapewini psakwiken woliwikgun wittank talli.

2. Topan-akpinep, wineu-akpinep, kshakan-akpinep, thupin akpinep.

1. After the rushing waters (had subsided) the Lenape of the turtle were close together, in hollow houses, living together there.

2. It freezes where they abode, it snows where they abode, it storms where they abode, it is cold where they abode.

3. Lowankwamink wulaton wtakan tihill kelik meshautang sili ewak.

4. Chintanes-sin powalessin peyachik wikhichik pokwihil.

5. Eluwi-chitanesit eluwi takau wesit, elowi chiksit, elowichik delsinewo.

6. Lowaniwi, wapaniwi shawaniwi, wunkeniwi, elowichik apakachik.

7. Lumowaki, lowanaki tulpenaki elowaki tulapiwi lina-piwi.

8. Wemiako yagawan tendki lakkawelendam nakopowa wemi owenluen atam.

9. Akhokink wapaneu wemoltin palliaal kitelendam aptelendam.

3. At this northern place they speak favorably of mild, cool (lands), with many deer and buffaloes.

4. As they journeyed, some being strong, some rich, they separated into house-builders and hunters;

5. The strongest, the most united, the purest, were the hunters.

6. The hunters showed themselves at the north, at the east, at the south, at the west.

7. In that ancient country, in that northern country, in that turtle country, the best of the Lenape were the Turtle men.

8. All the cabin fires of that land were disquieted, and all said to their priest, "Let us go".

9. To the Snake land to the east they went forth, going away, earnestly grieving.

10. Pechimuin shakowen261 nungihillan lusasaki pikihil pokwihil akomenaki.

11. Nihillapewin komelendam lowaniwi wemiten chihillen winiaken.

12. Namesuagipek pokhapockhapek guneunga waplanewa ouken waptumewi ouken.

13. Amokolon nallahemen agunouken pawasinep wapasinep akomenep.262

14. Wihlamokkicholenluchundi, Wematam akomen luchundi.

15. Witehen wemiluen wemaken nihillen.

16. Nguttichin lowaniwi,

Nguttichin wapaniwi,

Agamunk topanpek

Wulliton epannek.

17. Wulelemil w'shakuppek,

Wemopannek hakhsinipek,

Kitahikan pokhakhopek.

10. Split asunder, weak, trembling, their land burned, they went, torn and broken, to the Snake Island.

11. Those from the north being free, without care, went forth from the land of snow, in different directions.

12. The fathers of the Bald Eagle and the White Wolf remain along the sea, rich in fish and muscles.

13. Floating up the streams in their canoes, our fathers were rich, they were in the light, when they were at those islands.

14. Head Beaver and Big Bird said, "Let us go to Snake Island," they said.

15. All say they will go along to destroy all the land.

16. Those of the north agreed,

Those of the east agreed.

Over the water, the frozen sea,

They went to enjoy it.

17. On the wonderful, slippery water,

On the stone-hard water all went,

On the great Tidal Sea, the muscle-bearing sea.

18. Tellenchen kittapakki nillawi,

Wemoltin gutikuni nillawi,

Akomen wapanawaki nillawi,

Ponskan, ponskan, wemiwi olini.

19. Lowanapi, wapanapi, shawa-napi,

Lanewapi, tamakwapi, tume-wapi,

Elowapi, powatapi, wilawapi,

Okwisapi, danisapi, allumapi,

20. Wemipayat gunéunga shinaking,

Wunkenapi chanelendam payaking,

Allowelendam kowiyey tulpaking.

18. Ten thousand at night,

All in one night,

To the Snake Island, to the east, at night,

They walk and walk, all of them.

19. The men from the north, the east, the south,

The Eagle clan, the Beaver clan, the Wolf clan,

The best men, the rich men, the head men,

Those with wives, those with daughters, those with dogs,

20. They all come, they tarry at the land of the spruce pines;

Those from the west come with hesitation,

Esteeming highly their old home at the Turtle land.


1. Wulamo linapioken manup shinaking.

2. Wapallanewa sittamaganat yukepechi wemima,

3. Akhomenis michihaki wellaki kundokanup.

1. Long ago the fathers of the Lenape were at the land of spruce pines.

2. Hitherto the Bald Eagle band had been the pipe bearer,

3. While they were searching for the Snake Island, that great and fine land.

4. Angomelchik elowichik elmusichik menalting.

5. Wemilo kolawil sakima lissilma.

6. Akhopayat kihillalend akhopokho askiwaal.

7. Showihilla akhowemi gandhaton mashkipokhing.

8. Wtenkolawil shinaking sakimanep wapagokhos.

9. Wtenk nekama sakimanep janotowi enolowin.

10. Wtenk nekama sakimanep chilili shawaniluen.

4. They having died, the hunters, about to depart, met together.

5. All say to Beautiful Head, "Be thou chief."

6. "Coming to the Snakes, slaughter at that Snake hill, that they leave it."

7. All of the Snake tribe were weak, and hid themselves in the Swampy Vales.

8. After Beautiful Head, White Owl was chief at Spruce Pine land.

9. After him, Keeping-Guard was chief of that people.

10. After him, Snow Bird was chief, he spoke of the south,

11. Wokenapi nitaton wullaton apakchikton.

12. Shawaniwaen chilili, wapaniwaen tamakwi.

13. Akolaki shawanaki, kitshinaki shabiyaki.

14. Wapanaki namesaki, pemapaki sisilaki.

15. Wtenk chilili sakimanep ayamek weminilluk.

16. Chikonapi akhonapi makatapi assinapi.

17. Wtenk ayamek tellen sakimak machi tonanup shawapama.

11. That our fathers should possess it by scattering abroad.

12. Snow Bird went south, White Beaver went east.

13. The Snake land was at the south, the great Spruce Pine land was toward the shore;

14. To the east was the Fish land, toward the lakes was the buffalo land.

15. After Snow Bird, the Seizer was chief, and all were killed,

16. The robbers, the snakes, the evil men, the stone men.

17. After the Seizer there were ten chiefs, and there was much warfare south and east.

18. Wtenk nellamawa sakimanep langundowi akolaking.

19. Wtenk nekama sakimanep tasukamend shakagapipi.

20. Wtenk nekama sakimanep pemaholend wuhtowin.

21. Sagimawtenk matemik, sagimawtenk pilsohalm.

22. Sagimawtenk gunokeni, sagimawtenk mangipitak.

23. Sagimawtenk olumapi, leksahowen sohalawak.

24. Sagimawtenk taguachi shawamwaen mmihaking.

25. Sakimawtenk huminiend mimgeman sohalgol.

18. After them, the Peaceable was chief at Snake land.

19. After him, Not-Black was chief, who was a straight man.

20. After him, Much-Loved was chief, a good man.

21. After him, No-Blood was chief, who walked in cleanliness.

22. After him, Snow-Father was chief, he of the big teeth.

23. After him, Tally-Maker was chief, who made records.

24. After him, Shiverer-with-Cold was chief, who went south to the corn land.

25. After him, Corn-Breaker was chief, who brought about the planting of corn.

26. Sakimawtenk alkosohit sakimachik apendawi.

27. Sawkima tenk shiwapi, sakimatenk penkwonwi.

28. Attasokelan attaminin wapaniwaen italissipek.

29. Oligonunk sisilaking nallimetzin kolakwammg.

30. Wtenk penkwonwi wekwochella, wtenk nekama chingalsuwi.

31. Wtenk nekama kwitikwond, slangelendam attagatta,

32. Wundanuksm wapanickam263 allendyachick kimimikwi.

33. Gunehunga wetatamowi wakaholend sakimalanop.

26. After him, the Strong-Man was chief, who was useful to the chieftains.

27. After him, the Salt-Man was chief; after him the Little-One was chief.

28. There was no rain, and no corn, so they moved further seaward.

29. At the place of caves, in the buffalo land, they at last had food, on a pleasant plain.

30. After the Little-One (came) the Fatigued; after him, the Stiff-One.

31. After him, the Reprover; disliking him, and unwilling (to remain),

32. Being angry, some went off secretly, moving east.

33. The wise ones who remained made the Loving-One chief.

34. Wisawana lappi wittank michi mini madawasim.

35. Weminitis tamenend sakimanep nekohatami.

36. Eluwiwulit matemenend wemi linapi nitis payat.

37. Wtenk wulitma maskansisil sakimanep w'tamaganat.

38. Machigokloos sakimanep, wapkicholen sakimanep.

39. Wingenund sakimanep powatanep gentikalanep.

40. Lapawin sakimanep, waliama sakimanep.

41. Waptipatit sakimanep, lappi mahuk lowashawa.

34. They settled again on the Yellow river, and had much corn on stoneless soil.

35. All being friendly, the Affable was chief, the first of that name.

36. He was very good, this Affable, and came as a friend to all the Lenape.

37. After this good one, Strong-Buffalo was chief and pipe-bearer.

38. Big-Owl was chief; White-Bird was chief.

39. The Willing-One was chief and priest, he made festivals.

40. Rich-Again was chief, the Painted-One was chief.

41. White-Fowl was chief; again there was war, north and south.

42. Wewoattan menatting tumaokan sakimanep.

43. Nitatonep wemi palliton maskansim nihillanep.

44. Messissuwi sakimanep akowmi pallitonep.

45. Chitanwulit sakimanep lowanuski pallitonep.

46. Alokuwi sakimanep towakon pallitonep.

47. Opekasit sakimanep sakhelendam pallitonepit.

48. Wapagishik yuknohokluen makeluhuk wapaneken.

49. Tsehepieken nemassipi264 nolandowak gunehunga.

42. The Wolf-wise-in-Counsel was chief.

43. He knew how to make war on all; he slew Strong-Stone.

44. The Always-Ready-One was chief; he fought against the Snakes.

45. The Strong-Good-One was chief; he fought against the northerners.

46. The Lean-One was chief; he fought against the Tawa people.

47. The Opossum-Like was chief; he fought in sadness,

48. And said, "They are many; let us go together to the east, to the sunrise."

49. They separated at Fish river; the lazy ones remained there.

50. Yagawanend sakimanep talligewi wapawullaton.

51. Chitanitis sakimanep wapawaki gotatamen.

52. Wapallendi pomismep talegawil allendhilla.

53. Mayoksuwi wemilowi palliton palliton.

54. Talamatan nitilowan payatchik wemiten.

55. Kinehepend sakimanep tamaganat sipakgamen.

56. Wulatonwi makelima pallihilla talegawik.

57. Pimokhasuwi sakimanep wsamimaskan talegawik.

58. Tenchekentit sakimanep wemilat makelinik.

50. Cabin-Man was chief; the Talligewi possessed the east.

51. Strong-Friend was chief; he desired the eastern land.

52. Some passed on east; the Talega ruler killed some of them.

53. All say, in unison, "War, war".

54. The Talamatan, friends from the north, come, and all go together.

55. The Sharp-One was chief; he was the pipe-bearer beyond the river.

56. They rejoiced greatly that they should fight and slay the Talega towns.

57. The Starrer was chief, the Talega towns were too strong.

58. The Fire-Builder was chief; they all gave to him many towns.

59. Pagan chihilla sakimanep shawanewak wemi talega.

60. Hattan wulaton sakimanep, wingelendam wemi lennowak.

61. Shawanipekis gunehungind lowanipekis talamatanitis.

62. Attabchinitis gishelendam gunitakan sakimanep.

63. Linniwulamen sakimanep pallitonep talamatan.

64. Shakagapewi sakimanep nungiwi talamatan.

59. The Breaker-in-Pieces was chief; all the Talega go south.

60. He-has-Pleasure was chief; all the people rejoice.

61. They stay south of the lakes; the Talamatan friends north of the lakes.

62. When Long-and-Mild was chief, those who were not his friends conspired.

63. Truthful-Man was chief; the Talamatans made war.

64. Just-and-True was chief; the Talamatans trembled.


1. Wemilangundo wulamo talli talegaking.

2. Tamaganend sakimanep wapalaneng.

3. Wapushuwi sakimanep kelitgeman.

1. All were peaceful, long ago, there at the Talega land.

2. The Pipe-Bearer was chief at the White river.

3. White-Lynx was chief; much corn was planted.

4. Wulitshinik sakimanep makdopannik.

5. Lekhihitin sakimanep wallamolumin.

6. Kolachuisen sakimanep makeliming.

7. Pematalli sakimanep makelinik.

8. Pepomahenem sakimanep makelaning.

9. Tankawon sakimanep makeleyachik.

10. Nentegowi shawanowi shawanaking.

11. Kichitamak sakimanep wapahoning.

12. Onowutok awolagan wunkenahep.

13. Wunpakitonis wunshawononis wunkiwikwotank.

4. Good-and-Strong was chief, the people were many.

5. The Recorder was chief, he painted the records.

6. Pretty-Blue-Bird was chief, there was much fruit.

7. Always-There was chief, the towns were many.

8. Paddler-up-Stream was chief, he was much on the rivers.

9. Little-Cloud was chief, many departed,

10. The Nanticokes and the Shawnees going to the south.

11. Big-Beaver was chief, at the White Salt Lick.

12. The Seer, the praised one, went to the west.

13. He went to the west, to the southwest, to the western villages.

14. Pawanami sakimanep taleganah.

15. Lokwelend sakimanep makpalliton.

16. Lappi towako lappi sinako lappi lowako.

17. Mokolmokom sakimanep mokolakolin.

18. Winelowich sakimanep lowushkakiang.

19. Linkwekinuk sakimanep talegachukang.

20. Wapalawikwan sakimanep waptalegawing.

21. Amangaki amigaki wapakisinep.

22. Mattakohaki mapawaki mawulitenol.

14. The Rich-Down-River-Man was chief, at Talega river.

15. The Walker was chief; there was much War.

16. Again with the Tawa people, again with the Stone people, again with the northern people.

17. Grandfather-of-Boats was chief, he went to lands in boats.

18. Snow-Hunter was chief; he went to the north land.

19. Look-About was chief; he went to the Talega mound-mountains.

20. East-Villager was chief; he was east of Talega.

21. A great land and a wide land was the east land,

22. A land without snakes, a rich land, a pleasant land.

23. Gikenopalat sakimanep pekochilowan.

24. Saskwihanang hanaholend sakimanep.

25. Gattawisi sakimanep winakaking.

26. Wemi lowichik gishikshawipek lappi kichipek.

27. Makhiawip sakimanep lapihaneng.

28. Wolomenap sakimanep maskekitong.

29. Wapanand tumewand waplowaan.

30. Wulitpallat sakimanep piskwilowan.

31. Mahongwi pungelika wemi nungwi.

23. Great Fighter was chief, toward the north.

24. At the Straight river, River-Loving was chief.

25. Becoming-Fat was chief at Sassafras land.

26. All the hunters made wampum again at the great sea.

27. Red-Arrow was chief at the stream again.

28. The Painted-Man was chief at the Mighty Water.

29. The Easterners and the Wolves go northeast.

30. Good-Fighter was chief, and went to the north.

31. The Mengwe, the Lynxes, all trembled.

32. Lappi tamenend sakimanepit wemi langundit.

33. Wemi nitis wemi takwicken sakima kichwon.

36. Kichitamak sakimanep winakununda.

37. Wapahakey sakimanep sheybian.

38. Elangomel sakimanep makeliwulit.

39. Pitenumen sakimanep unchihillen.

40. Wonwihil wapekunchi wapsipayat.

41. Makelomush sakimanep wulatenamen.

32. Again an Affable was chief, and made peace with all,

33. All were friends, all were united, under this great chief.

36. Great-Beaver was chief, remaining in Sassafras land.

37. White-Body was chief on the sea shore.

38. Peace-Maker was chief, friendly to all.

39. He-Makes-Mistakes was chief, hurriedly coming.

40. At this time whites came on the Eastern sea.

41. Much-Honored was chief; he was prosperous.

42. Wulakeningus sakimanep shawanipalat.

43. Otaliwako akowetako ashkipalliton.

44. Wapagamoshki sakimanep lamatanitis.

45. Wapashum sakimanep talegawunkik.

46. Mahiliniki mashawoniki makonowiki.

47. Nitispayat sakimanep kipemapekan,

48. Wemiamik weminitik kiwikhotan.

49. Pakimitzin sakimanep tawanitip.

42. Well-Praised was chief; he fought at the south.

43. He fought in the land of the Talega and Koweta.

44. White-Otter was chief; a friend of the Talamatans.

45. White-Horn was chief; he went to the Talega,

46. To the Hilini, to the Shawnees, to the Kanawhas.

47. Coming-as-a-Friend was chief; he went to the Great Lakes,

48. Visiting all his children, all his friends.

49. Cranberry-Eater was chief, friend of the Ottawas.

50. Lowaponskan sakimanep ganshowemk.

51. Tashawinso sakimanep shayabing.

52. Nakhagatfamen nakhalissin wenchikit,

52. bis. Unamini minsimini chikimini.

53. Epallahchund sakimanep mahongwipallat.

54. Langomuwi sakimanep mahongwichamen.

55. Wangomend sakimanep ikalawit,

56. Otahwi wasiotowi shingalusit.

50. North-Walker was chief; he made festivals.

51. Slow-Gatherer was chief at the shore.

52. As three were desired, three those were who grew forth,

52. bis. The Unami, the Minsi, the Chikini.

53. Man-Who-Fails was chief; he fought the Mengwe.

54. He-is-Friendly was chief; he scared the Mengwe.

55. Saluted was chief; thither,

56. Over there, on the Scioto, he had foes.

57. Wapachikis sakimanep shayabinitis.

58. Ncnachihat sakimanep peklinkwekin.

59. Wonwihil lowashawa wapayachik.

60. Langomuwak kitohatewa ewenikiktit?

57. White-Crab was chief, a friend of the shore.

58. Watcher was chief, he looked toward the sea.

59. At this time, from north and south, the whites came.

60. They are peaceful, they have great things, who are they?

  Read, woak.

  Var moshalguat.

  Var. showoken.

  Var. menakinep.

  Var wapanahan.

  Var mixtisipi.
